Season 1 Episode 1

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June 6th. 2010.
Chicago, Illinois.
3:00 PM.

Benji and his little sister Jamie just got out of school for the summer as they walk out to greet their parents. Meanwhile most parents seem nervous for some unknown reason.
Benji: Come on Jamie! We have to find mom and dad!
Jamie: Ok! This summer is going to be really fun!
David: -can be seen in a crowd of nervous parents looking about just as nervous as them- Benji! Jamie! -hugs them both seeming relieved about something-
Jamie: Daddy! Wheres mommy?
David: She's at home, me and her have...something... to tell you both.
Benji: Ok dad, then what are we waiting for? -starts piling into Davids Volvo Station Wagon-

June 6th. 2010.
Chicago, Illinois.
3:20 PM.

Jamie: -runs into the house and hugs Janette- Mommy!
Janette: Jamie, Benji! I'm so happy you're alive!
Benji: Dad, I thought I saw someone eating another person, what was that about?
David: Well this morning we were watching the news while you two were at school, it talked about a new virus that seems to take over the brain and its really scary.
Jamie: -looks really scared now- S-So what are we doing daddy? -keeps hugging Janette-
David: Well we're going down to Atlanta Georgia! -puts on a happy face for his kids-
Benji: Really?! A vacation? Why?
Janette: Well I have to go to the city for my job and you little munchkins -hugs them both- get to come with me as a reward!
Benji: Ok! Come on Jamie lets go pack! -him and Jamie then run upstairs to pack
Jamie: What should I pack? -looks at him hopefully-
Benji: Well whatever you think is important. -is grabbing only summer clothes and some swimwear, and he also packs a few comic books-
Jamie: -is packing her own 'fashion style' of clothing and a lot of her favorite stuffed animals and story books-
David: -yelling- Kids! We have to go in 10 minutes so pack quickly!
Benji: -yells- Ok dad! We'll be ready!

June 6th 2010.
Interstate 65.
10:00 PM.

They've been on the highway for a few hours now and they've reached the flocks of people also trying to get away from the infected.
Benji: -reading a comic book about an alien society- What's taking so looooong dad? -he whines-
David: It seems like almost everyone in Illinois is trying to leave too, sorry bud. -chuckles sadly a bit-
Jamie: Why are those people getting out of their cars coming to us daddy? -she points to a group of infected-
David: Oh shi- -stops himself- Jamie, honey its going to be ok they're not going to get in here. -rolls up the windows and making sure the doors are locked-
Benji: Well whatever happened to them they look really ugly! -him and Jamie both laugh at this-
Janette: Quiet down kids, I think that soldiers going to make a speech. -gestures to a soldier standing on a pedestal his m4 carbine raised-
General: Citizens of Chicago Illinois, I hate to inform you but this highway is now being officially quarantined as infected personal have been spotted here! Everyone out of your cars!
David: Kids do as he says... -sighs opening the door-
As everyone exits their cars slowly and nervously a herd of infected start making themselves known actually 'biting' people.
Benji: What's are they doing? -him and Jamie look scared-
General: Men. Open fire!
David: wai- -is forced to duck and have his family duck too as the military opens fire on infected-

Thank you for reading this first chapter of "The Day of Reckoning" I just know it'll be worth while, and also the character lists will be updated as chapters are uploaded.
???: Baduky8
???: SomeReasonn
???: Asunderpants27
???: Jirache
???: JordanDoesGaming
???: Asunderpants27
???: AwfullyAmazing

The Day of Reckoning: Season 1 Where stories live. Discover now