Season 1 Episode 7: Life like before

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Thank you all for the support on the last episode, this episode and I think the rest of the season based on my plans will take place inside Alexandria, anyway enjoy this episode!

August 15, 2018
Richmond, Virginia: Alexandria Suburbs
2:30 PM

Derrick: And here we are! Alexandria! -parks his car and Derrick, Ali, Benji, Lily and Josh get out and Adam gets out of his car-
Ali: Benji, Lily come with me, Josh you can stay with Derrick, ok?
Josh: Yeah, ok. -stands next to Derrick who's talking to Adam about Alexandria-
Ali: The first person you need to meet is Bella my younger sister I think shes around your age! -smiles bright-
Benji: Then what are we waiting for? Lets go!
-Cue intro-

-Cue ost-
???: -sitting on the couch- Welcome home Alison who are these two? -she eyes Benji in an 'interesting' way-
Ali: Oh  Bella, this is Benji and this is his 'daughter' Lily.
Bella: Daughter? You look a little young to be a dad, her dad at that.
Benji: —looks at his feet and whispers- We're not related... I'm just looking after her because no one else did...
Bella: -whispers- Oh my god, that's so nice of you. -hugs him-
Ali: Benji, Lily you two are going to share a room with Liam, come with me. -she walks upstairs with Benji and Lily on the heel- Ali here we are, so you two can get settled and I'll prepare dinner.
Benji: Lily can you believe this? -throws his pack on the bed flopping down on it- We finally have true safety!
Lily: Can we use the supplies here to look for Amber?
Benji: Yes! We need to find Amber... I need to find Amber...
Lily: -hugs Benji- We'll find her Benji, we'll find her.
-Let ost play out-
-A few hours later-
Derrick, Ali, Benji, Bella, Josh, Lily and Liam are all sitting at the dinner table downstairs.
Bella: So Benji how long have you been out there?
Benji: Well the first few months I was surviving with my dad before well... Anyway, then I met a man named Jack but he met his end too... Then I was out there alone -seemingly hiding something-
Ali: So you were out there this whole time...
Benji: Yeah, but at least its taught me one thing and that's I know how to survive.
Bella: Benji do you want to come in my room?
Benji: Sure, what do you want to do?
Bella: -takes Benji by the hand and pulls him into her room- Do you like it?
Benji: Yeah, it looks nice.
Bella: Thanks. -blushes as she pulls him into a kiss-
Benji: -blushing beet red not knowing how to feel-
Ali: -walks in seeing them kissing and walks out letting them be alone-
Bella: So...
Benji: So?
Bella: What now?
Benji: I don't really know.
Bella: We could be more than fríen-
Ali: -yells- People! Theres someone outside the gates!
Benji: Wanna go check that out?
Bella: Sure.
They both go out to check along with Lily, Liam and Josh.
Benji: So Ali who's outside the gates?
Ali: -opens the gates slow-ish - Well they-
Benji: -sees the person- I thought you were dead...

Well guys that's it for this episode of  Day of Reckoning, what could be the future of  Alexandria, who is this person at the gates, anyway thanks for enjoying it and I'll see y'all later, bye!

Follow my friends!
Amber/Serena/Alpha/Derrick/Liam: Baduky8
Ali: SomeReasonn
Josh: crimsoncrafter
Jordan: JordanDoesGaming
Claire: Jirache
Clif/Adam: Asunderpants27
???: ____Park____
???: Alexandria4614
???: AwfullyAmazing
???: KaitieKatQT

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