The roots to curing

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The roots to curing

We take note of the land. And the house beside it too. The land is in the recommendation list and so we took interest– an outstretch of soft grass over fertile soil that the corns,mazes,potatoes and wheet have been blessed both with excellent harvest and rich deliciousness. No, I haven't tasted any of it. Garner restraints me from any of those perhaps implying our guts aren't meant for human food. But I will admit the looks of those colorful vegetable on the small strip of land by the house has lured me into thinking they are prescos and dorbis and sweet gobbs. The deception of it is kind of nice and has been a service during those homesick moments.

The owner is a middle aged man with two children. The nosy woman with the brown tanned skin and even browner hair was first inferred to be the spouse but she's just the cook and out of those five women who live in the house; the real mistress is yet to be found out.

The owners identity was easy. No other man practiced such stern commands and proud posture. There are about ten men under his dictation. Count the two children as well for this beast of a man doesn't even spare their bony shallow shoulders. And their jobs are mostly boring repetitions of yesterday-down to every stone polished, every plant watered. Some charges the loud machines and some do things with hands. It has been a month now and I despise my job already.

The first time fascination is a short lasting dedication. I was quick to act and fill my journal. Curiosity was the fuel for my work and boy did that diligence made Garner proud.

'good job peppins. You made your race proud.'

'shall we advance to phase two then?'

Garner shook his head. 'no. no too soon. We need to collect more data.'

But I couldn't argue with the captain that humans are predictable creatures. They follow patterns in their daily lives- the mundane and ordinary of occurings. He would not listen when I presented that I was able to predict their entire next week routine in advance and the events fulfilled its prophecy so. What Garner told me is to wait.

Wait for what? That much he kept to himself. We learnt of the closer neighbourhood as well-the other locations in the listing. Mao, Perry, IU; I don't hear much from them other than screen gossiping at times. I am lying. We don't gossip. We pass information, talking about our respective observing family and laughing out at how absurd human beings are.

We agreed. Humans appear to be kind of careless.For example the other night, despite the owner's raging command and bloodshot eyes, one of his stable boy still dared to sneak a horse away far from farm. The next morning was ruckus. The master enraged and shouted at all his workers, fastening them into tighter schedule and work hours for a deed they never committed. He said and I quote: "I will see to every one of you scum's way watch it!" He said while shaking a finger. He kept interrogating where the thief stable boy was but all of them hung their heads low to the dirt, even the two little children as if they knew where a sly shady stable boy was up to. It wasn't my job to inform him that the stable boy has left town after selling the horse to the nearest horse market. That he needs to figure out himself if he calls himself a commander. Some men's conceit needs awareness i believe.

Anyway as I sit here lazily enjoying a bowl of adberg soup- it's the last package from home sadly. I remember how Giek made a batch just for me- my favourite afternoon meal. I was eating it sparingly- only at times when the craving reached its peak but today it saddens me to sit here and drink the last bowl I'll ever have on Earth. I don't get it, why do earth food taste so bad? After this last taste of delicacy I'll be reduced to chewing from energy bars like the rest of the gang. although I'm certain IU has his own secret food stock.

My radio blared.

"Peppins do you hear"


"We are abandoning forts by 13:43 tomorrow. Pack up"

"Yes sir"

This delighted me. Finally! This probably means we got the roots we came for! Earthlings are boring creatures and I'm done sightseeing. It's time to hit home and bring the cure to them! But still, I guess I'll miss watching the sunset. You see....It's only the sunset that's so aesthetic. I could watch that sunset on repeat for many times. I recorded it a few times to show Giek at home. Oh I'm also taking the fence door as souvenir- not that its extraordinary. I just like the graffiti on it. It says "E.T on watch"

The humour of some earthlings. 

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