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  "I love you Scotty." My witty boyfriend whispers to me on my bulb lit doorstep. I bring my face toward his, caressing his cheek with my thumb. His eyes twinkle from the porch light across from us, I return a slight grin and whisper back, "And I love you Todd." He nibbles on his lower lip, smiling when he notices me noticing him. "Forever and always?" He asks looking up to me questioningly. "Always and forever." I say dipping down for a kiss, he backs away as if telling me to wait. "You promise?" He says with a slight smile on those perfect lips. "No," I say back with a sly grin, "I swear." Placing my hand behind his head I gently bring him in for a kiss he'll never forget.

It has been over a year since that magical night on my doorstep with Todd. The same night I had had my very first kiss, and my last. I haven't seen my charming Todd since that very night, no one has. At first it was hard knowing he was out somewhere lost and cold, but I've been managing. The search is still going on but his disappearance seems to be old news in this small town. It's been weird rolling through my sophomore year without him by my side. I miss him dearly.

I had first met Todd in my sixth grade year, he was the new kid and everybody seemed interested in him. Especially me. I had been all by myself at recess because the other kids claimed I had a disease that would force you to like the same gender. Silly now that I look back on it, but I had been drawing a flower when the new kid came up and sat by me. He had looked over my shoulder to see what I was drawing, he then said he had liked it. I thought he had been making fun of me so I insisted that he leave. When it seemed he intended on staying I felt guilt. I apologized and he gave me a magnificent little smile I'll never forget and said, "My names Todd."

I walk back home from school one day, thinking about the missing children's poster I had seen that morning in the office. It reminds me of Todd but I try to shake it off as I reach the comfort of my own home. Walking in I dump my backpack off beside the door and run upstairs to my room. Slamming the door behind me as if announcing my presence. I jump in my bed and try to shut the painful memories out by getting back to my sketches. There's a dance coming up but it seems I have no one to ask. What's worse is my friends keep pushing guys toward me when really I haven't gotten over the first one yet. Stress is taking over the best of me when my mother calls me down for a late supper.

I sigh running down to meet my plate of roasted chicken and peas, again. I plop myself down at the dinner table and pick at my food. "Dearie, what's got you all blue? You haven't even touched your chicken!" My mother looks at me worryingly. She never liked Todd . She claimed I could do better, but really there was no one better than my Todd. "I'm fine mom," I say looking down at my food, "just not hungry is all." Glancing up I see the guilt in her eyes but she nods understandingly. I get up to retreat back to my room but before I can leave my mother stops me. "You know I love you right Scot?" She says motionless. I give a nod back and run back upstairs slamming the door once again. I let some tears shed from my droopy eyes before waking to a knock at the door. Turning over I see it's 1:37 in the morning, now who in the world could this be this late at night. I get out of bed and walk over to my bedroom door opening it I see that my mother's door is still closed, so I head down the stairs. I hear another knock coming from the front door, I fasten my pace, quietly reaching the door. Another knock raps out, I stare at the handle and turn the lock grabbing the door knob. I take a deep breath in, then ever so slowly I turn it opening the door I see something I could never forget.

Todd my first love is standing there soaked at my doorstep just like before, his face looks frightened. I try to speak but I choke, this boy standing before me has been missing for over a year with no trace to follow and now he stands before my very eyes again. He parts those still perfect lips of his and whispers only one thing, "Help."

I stare at Todd in utter disbelief, then I realize what I'm seeing is actually real. "What's wro--" before I can even finish my question he cuts me off urgently rushing through the door, causing me to fumble backwards. "Scotty it's me Todd! I know this is weird and all but I really just need your help right now!" He lets out running upstairs. I shut the door behind and start to head after him then tuning back to lock the door. My mind seems to be running wild at this point of time but I swear he was just wearing the exact same black skinny jeans with that wonderfully bright blue hoody the very last time I had seen him.

By the time I reach him he's already in my room and sitting on my bed soaking it. I still don't believe any of this is real, how could it be? It's been a whole year since I've seen Todd without even a word goodbye, or just a word in general. I feel uneasy about this situation I've just put myself into, I get a bad feeling. I try to shake all of it off and take control, "So, you said you needed my help?"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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