Chapter 24

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(Harry's P.O.V.)

  I needed to take a breather, so I decided to take a guitar to the park and start singing. Once I got the guitar, I headed out the door. I ran my fingers through my hair as I got closer and closer. It was a nice day out so I decided to use a song that I wrote and try to get money for singing. I took a minute to open my guitar case and I didn't find my song.

  Instead I saw a song called "Little things" and it said, "Written by Hazza and Boobear."  Who was Boobear? I was always called Hazza but who was Boobear? I just ignored it and continued walking to the park. Once I found a good spot I set up my guitar and began singing Little things.

  People who passed by smiled and put some money in my guitar case. I nodded as if saying thank you becuase I really was thankful. I then continued on with the rest of the song.

  You can't go to bed without a cup of tea and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep and all those conversations are the secrets that I keep, though it makes no sense to me

  I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape you never want to know how weigh, you still love to squeeze into your jeans, but your perfect to me

  I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth, but it's true, it's you, it's you they add up to, I'm in love with you and all these little things

  You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you, you'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you to, if I let you know I'm here for you, maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, ooh

  And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth cause it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to, and I'm in love with you and all these little things

  I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth, but if its true, it's you, it's you they add up to, I'm in love with you and all your little things

  A guy with cerulean eyes sat on a bench and stayed for the whole song. He was the only one who actually stayed to hear me sing. He seemed cool, so once I finished I asked him if he would like to go out for coffee. "Hey, thanks for staying for the song. Would you like to go out for some coffee sometime?" I said.

  "Oh its no problem, you're really talented. Yes, of course we should definitely go out for some coffee" he smiled. "Well here's my number so we could talk about the date.. I mean when we hangout.." I happily replied while my cheeks turned bright red. As he was putting my number in, he had a confused look on his face. 

  "What's wrong?" I asked. "It seems I already have your number" he replied. "What do you mean? We just met, so how is it possible that you already have my number? Try calling it and see if it's mine" I said. He called the number and sure enough my phone rang and the contact name was under "Boobear".

  Wait a minute, is this the guy that wrote this song with me? "Wow, it looks like you do have my number. I have a question to ask you." I said. "Yeah? What is it?" he responded.  "Have you ever written a song with someone?" I said. "Not that I know of, why?" he replied.

  "Because that song I just sang, says that both you and I wrote it" I said. I grabbed the song sheet out and showed it to him. "That's weird" he said. "Well I overheard these guys talking to my mum about some guy named Louis and I'm guessing that's you. Apparently they said we were dating." I explained.

  "Really?! Same here, I overheard them talking about some guy named Harry and I'm guessing that's you too! I was thinking about what they said, then I went to my room and found a picture of you on my wall. I then looked down at my left hand and saw a ring that read H+L..." he explained.

  I looked down at my hand and saw a ring on my finger too. How could I have not noticed this? I ran my fingers through my hair and said, "Does this mean..." We both looked at eachother. "It's getting late. I uh better go before my mum gets worried" he said. He began to walk away but then I called his name, "Louis!" He stopped in his tracks.

  "Yeah?" he turned around. I made my way closer to him. "If we were really a thing, then we would get butterflies or sparks if I did this.." I grabbed him by the waist, pulled him close and then kissed him on the lips. Our lips slowly moved in sync and he just pulled me closer. I didn't mind at all, so I just let him. It then began to rain.

  We stopped kissing and he looked up at me and said, "I've always wanted to be kissed in the rain." We were now soaking wet and I said, "Well I guess today is your lucky day" I smiled and began to kiss him again. Butterflies took over my stomach and I just got so happy. It then began to thunder.

  We stopped kissing and just looked into eachothers eyes. It felt as if we've done this one million times before. It thundered once again and we both jumped. "I better go now" he said as it began to pour even more. "Do you want me to take you home?" I asked. "No its fine" he said as he began running.

  I turned the other direction and began walking towards my house. I actually felt something when we kissed. Maybe we were dating after all. It was at that moment that it thundered and I got struck by lightening. I fell on the ground and passed out.

  (5 minutes later)

  I woke up and all of a sudden a whole bunch of thoughts and memories began running in my head. I met Louis, we fell in love, and most importantly we got engaged. These were all signs that we were actually together! But how was I going to tell Louis what happened? He barely found me, I can't just straight up tell him this.

  I decided that I was going to wait a bit before I told him what happened. All I thought of in my head now was Louis. Louis.. please remember me...

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