A Mushroom Cloud

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My life today began the same as any other, I woke up to my alarm, brushed my teeth and ran to catch the morning bus. I just couldn't account for what would happen today which would shatter my life into tiny pieces.

I woke up to my alarm blaring into my ear. I slammed my hand down onto it and opened my eyes which quickly adjusted to the harsh morning light. I slowly rose out of my fluffy sheets and gave out a big yawn. I wiped my eyes and turned to look into my mirror.

My brown hair was straight and currently at chest length. My light brown eyes sparkled in the light and my tan skin glowed. I smiled for the mirror and threw on some clothes. I put on a white t-shirt with my blue skinny jeans paired up with some old uggs. I brushed my hair and applied some of my daily makeup. Not too much, just enough that I looked presentable. I picked up some homework off my dresser and stuffed it into my backpack. I threw on my signature bracelet which was silver with a dolphin charm.

I looked one last time in the mirror and left my bedroom to head downstairs. My kitchen was fairly large with dark cabinets and a white marble counter. We had some stools in front of the island to eat breakfast. Of course, my little brother was sitting at the counter munching on Froot Loops. He was a 7th grader at the local middle school and was about as smart as Einstein.

"Hey, Tucker! Having a good breakfast?" I said sweetly as I ruffled his short auburn hair.

"Of course! Don't ruffle my hair anymore though, I'm not a baby anymore," He pouted as he shoved cereal into his mouth.

I laughed at his silliness and walked over to the pantry. I pressed the button and waited for it to start up. It made a light buzzing sound and instantly came to life.

"Hello, Miss. Hazel. What would you like?" The pantry asked me eagerly.

"Umm, I'll have some fruity pebbles please," I was still getting used to the new technology and started to not mind it as much.

It made a whirring sound for a few seconds and a claw extended outward with the box. I thanked it and took the box.

I set it on the counter and grabbed a bowl from the cabinet above the sink. I walked over to our gray fridge and grabbed some milk. I made sure it hadn't expired and made some yummy cereal. I slid the bowl over to my seat and put away all the 'ingredients'.

I pulled out the red stool and ate quickly. I set the bowl into the sink and my dad burst into the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie, hey little man! Hope you're feeling ready for a fun school day!"

My brother and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. We said good morning and I said hi to my puppy, Frosty. I pet his fluffy ears and he closed his eyes as if to say, "finally!"

I brushed his white fur off my pants and quickly burst out of the door. Right on schedule, the school bus hovered inwards and stopped right in front of my house. I stepped over the curb and quickly shuffled onto the bus with the other kids in my neighborhood. I walked down the aisle and flung myself into a seat with my best friend, Jacques.

He was originally from France and spoke with an accent. He had blonde hair and a toned body, he was a giant fan of soccer and we loved to laugh.

"Hello Hazel, how was your morning?" He asked as he pulled out his phone.

"I'm well Jacques! My morning was pretty usual I guess," I stated as we went onto our news app.

We were greeted by a scary headline, "The U.S headed into a long-going war with the European Confederacy of Altaires!" The story stated that they had sunk our warships and shot down many of our spacecraft orbiting the planet. They had begun to build nuclear weapons months ago and the U.S had just found out.

"Oh my god, this could be really bad..." Jacques said sounding legitimately scared.

"W-We'll be fine, the U.S has never lost. Right?" I said nervously.

After twenty minutes, our bus pulled up to Evercrest High. We stepped out and flying cars zoomed over our head. Flying cars had been invented a little over seven years prior and relied on static electricity produced by power lines which covered the country.

We climbed the stone steps leading up to our privileged American education. A robot greeted all the students at the front and beautiful pear trees lined the walkway up to the door. Cherry blossoms flew through the air, letting us know it was springtime in Arianos. We pushed open the heavy door and headed into our classes.

As soon as I sat into my seat, Brandton McCormick walked over to my desk. He was very muscular and had short red hair. Freckles dotted his face and his strong amber eyes peered into mine. He was tan and wore his football jersey.

"Hey, Hazel. Cute outfit today, fits you perfectly" He said smiling at me.

"Oh, h-hi Brandton! You have a cute face!" I said my eyes widening. "I mean a cute... dog!"

He looked at me and laughed, "Sure babe, just don't stare too long." He winked and walked back over as class had commenced. He was a player, but guys were players for a reason. He was the hottest guy in school and was treated like a god. I shook my head and started to take notes over the European Nuclear Controversy of 2025.

After taking some grueling notes, I looked outside the window at the far distant city of Cincinnati. Cars rolled along the highways while flying cars took to the air over tall skyscrapers.

I saw a small dot in the sky and other kids started to notice. Suddenly, a blinding light overtook the classroom. I closed my eyes and I felt the ground shake as glass pierced my skin.

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