Chapter One

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One day a long time ago, the Great Spirit decided that a special spot of land was to be created. He assembeled a circle of smooth, round stones surrounding a piece of fertile land. The grass in this area was a vivid green, and a single dahlia grew inside. This dahlia was the most beautiful thing that the Great Spirit had created.

Animals traveled from far and wide to view the spectacular flower. All of the animals knew not to step over the stones, and none ever did. Until one day when cunning Fox met with Porcupine on his way to see the dahlia.

Porcupine was walking to a nearby stream for a drink of water when Fox ran up to him.

"Hello!" Greeted Fox.

"Hello Fox. What brings you here today?" Questioned Porcupine.

"I am on my way to see the dahlia. I have heard that it has great powers." Explained Fox.

"I have not heard of this dahlia. What kind of powers does it have?" Replied Porcupine.

"Come with me and we can find out together." Suggested Fox.

And with that, the pair trod off to see the dahlia. They arrived some days later, exhausted but enthusiastic.

The pair gazed upon the dahlia in awe. They looked upon its rippling petals, feeling their energy restore.

"I heard that if you touch the flower, you can live forever." Fox said.

"Wow, you should touch it." Marveled Porcupine.

"Well, I don't want to hog the flower. You go first and then I will go." Offered Fox.

"Okay. Here I go!" Squealed Porcupine.

Porcupine rushed into the circle and touched the flower. Instantly water rushed up from the circle and shot Porcupine out of sight.

The Great Spirit appeared next to Fox. It took one look at Fox for the Great Spirit to learn what had happened.

"Fox, is it true that you tricked Porcupine?" Asked the Great Spirit.

"No. Nobody knew what would happen if the flower was touched." Fox insinuated.

"You have done a bad thing. It is not nice to trick those who trust easily. I will take away your favorite thing. Now, the leaves will fall off the trees for a period of time. They will turn orange, red, and yellow, and then they will die. You will no longer be able to enjoy the green leaves year round. As for Porcupine, he will live as a cloud. It was always his dream to fly, and now he rules the sky." The Great Spirit commanded.

With a wave of his hand, the Great Spirit made the fertile land into a geyser that would erupt every hour to replenish Porcupine's life.

This is how Old Faithful came to exist.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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