Finding Destiny

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--- PROLOGUE ---

Who doesn't long for someone to hold

Who knows how to love you without being told

Somebody tell me why I'm on my own

If there's a soulmate for everyone

Natasha Bedingfield's "Soulmate" was playing on my Ipod as I made my way down 48th street. I was heading back towards our house after running some errands for my mom. I was usually the stubborn child who hated being asked to do anything, but after everything that has happened, I just couldn't see myself being a burden in our family.

Two weeks ago, my father left my mom for another woman. Or should I say, another girl. She was like ten years younger than he is. Well, I wasn't all that shocked since my parents' relationship had been on the rocks for what seemed like years now. And I was never really a Daddy's girl to begin with. The truth is, I had never been close with my father at all. He was always gone on "trips" doing "business", or so he says. He managed a small architectural firm and as for supporting our family, I'd say he did a pretty good job. He's just not the father figure that a girl like me would want, or a husband for that matter. Over the years, I've learned to accept that and, frankly, I was actually expecting for the separation to happen a little bit sooner than this.

Don't get me wrong, I was out of my mind when I found out that he was leaving us for good. But as I've said earlier, I've pretty much accepted that I wouldn't have a father since I was ten. I can say that I'm independent. Plus, I was more concerned for my mom than for myself or for my brother, Derick. Even though my parents' haven't been getting along for quite some time, my mom loved my dad very much. And now that he's gone, I feel like Derick and I have a responsibility to make our mom feel better. It's times like these that a mother needs her kids.

And now, instead of hanging out with my friends on a Saturday afternoon, I'm carrying a bag of groceries in both hands. It has been like this for days now. Since my mom clearly didn't like to go out of the house and confirm all of the rumors that our neighbors have spread throughout the entire community. By this time, everyone must have heard that Jerry Evans has left his wife for some hot chick. News traveled fast. Especially with news this big. Well, I've gotten some "Are you okay?" and "How's your mom doing?" questions from our acquaintances along the way, and it's been quite a job just trying to give them vague answers and not sound like I was ready to ignore them any minute or worse, punch their pretty faces. It's a private matter, okay?

I was so busy thinking about my mom that i was suprised when, suddenly, a boy, probably about nine years old, came rushing down the corner and bumped into me while he ran straight ahead. I was shaken a bit and of course, I instantly felt anger creeping down my face and a strong urge to chase after him and kick his butt. And, to top it off, some of the items in my grocery bag fell down on the pavement. Great, just what I needed. I bent over, careful not to spill any more contents from the bag, and reached down to get a bottle of soda and a box of cheese when I saw a gold coin lying face up on the ground. Well, what do you know, a lucky penny!

I stood up after placing back the items in my bag while I still held the coin in one hand. I haven't picked up a coin that's facing up before. They say that if you see one facing down, You should just leave it be. But if you see one facing up, then it's your lucky day. The weird part was, I actually have a feeling that I was meant to find it. It's like it had been waiting for me all along. I know I must sound crazy, but it's just after everything that has happened, this can't be just a coincidence. I mean, how often do you find a coin on the ground? Well, okay I admit that it may actually happen often. But not one that's facing up! Plus, we're talking about me here, and nothing like this ever happens to me. I'm like the representation of normal. too normal for my own good. Nothing exciting ever happens. Well, if you don't count my parents' separation that is. This coin was definitely meant for me. It has to be.

I slid my lucky penny inside my pocket, picked up the bags and headed down the street. A smile was lighting up my face as I literally hopped along the sidewalk. I must have looked like a total idiot but I didn't care. Something unusual finally happened after weeks and at this point, I even forgot how pissed off I am with that little boy.

Well, I guess it truly is my lucky day...

Finger's crossed!


Hello there! this is my second story in wattpad :) If you haven't read the first one, it's called "Accidental Love" and if you liked this one, I'm sure you'll also like that :D

It would mean a lot if you could comment or even vote if you like it!

it's a little rough yet, but I promise that it'll get better :D so? tell me what you think!!

xoxo - mai

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