Welcome I.R.A. to the Wayne

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Lisa Loud, Jimmy Neutron, Nora Wakeman, and the Fugetiod entered the Wayne.

"Look at this place," said Jimmy "It's amazing"

"Welcome to the Wayne" said the Doorman "I'm George, how can I help you guys?"

"We're part of the Interdimensional Research Alliance" said Fugetoid "and we'd like to set up an office here in the Wayne"

"Well, that might be a bit complicated," said the Doorman "why not just rent an apartment"

"Let's wait until we know who will represent this world on our behalf" said Dr. Wakeman

"Then we should introduce ourselves to team timbers" replied Lisa

"First" Nora added, "Why don't you two recruit Jonah bishop"

Jimmy and Lisa made their way to Jonah Bishop's penthouse knocked on the door.

"Good afternoon sir" greeted Lisa "We're part of the Interdimensional Research Allience"

"Look kids" said Jonah, cutting her off "Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not intersted"

"Oh, we're not selling anything," Said Jimmy "we're going to study the Wayne to see its potential, and how it can benefit other worlds"

"I don't have time to play your games" Jonah replied

"We're not playing games here." Lisa snapped, "We were going to recruit you to become the head scientist of this world"

"Since you know so much about the Wayne, you seem like a worthy candidate." Jimmy added, "Of course, we'll need to discuss it with our coworkers, but I'd be happy to let them know if you're interested."

Jonah slammed the door.

Me, Rick and Morty arrived at the Wayne. Soon after stepping out of the portal, we ran into the spy from apartment 8-I

"Pardon me," she said

"It's villain of the show!" cried Morty

"Apologies" I said, "we're part of the Interdimensional Research Alliance, and we've come to explore the Wayne and find its potential for otherworldly benefits"

"You should turn back" she said, "the Wayne is a dangerous..."

"We know who you are, and what you've been doing." I said, cutting her off "But rest assured we have no plans of interference"

"Uh Kai? You do know she's the enemy right?" said Morty

"All I ask is that you and your gang won't mess with our studies, which will not hut the Wayne."

"Are you even listening?!"

"Relax Morty! He's got this," said Rick

"Sounds like a plan" she replied, "you stay out of our way and we'll keep out of yours"

"Deal" I said, and we shook hands

We eventually met up with Nora and Fugitoid at the lobby, followed by Jimmy and Lisa

"Did you speak to Bishop?" Nora asked

"He didn't want anything to do with us," answered Jimmy

"Yea, I thought so" I replied

"Can I help you?" asked Saraline as she stepped out of hiding

"We are the Interdimensional Research Alliance," explained Fugitoid "and we've heard that you and your team have been studying the Wayne"

"Yea and we've seen the crazy stuff that's been happening here from the TV in our own worlds," Morty added

"Things have been acting up around here. Is that why you came?" asked Saraline

"That is one reason we came" I said, "We're also looking to see the potential the Wayne has to offer"

"Wait! You guys are for real?" asked Jonah Bishop as he approached

"Of course" I said, "We want to see how the Wayne can benefit other worlds."

"The Wayne is not to be tampered with," he said, "You should just study it from your own world if you can already see it from there."

"That's not how I.R.A. does things" I replied, "We came to experience this world for ourselves"

"Then let me be your guide" Jonah replied "if there's anyone to look up to for studying the Wayne, then that person would be me."

"Well I was thinking of hiring you," said Dr. Wakeman "but we don't appreciate the way you treated our coworkers."

"Wait!" Jonah replied, "They're your coworkers?"

"We did offer you join us," said Lisa "but you declined."

"You can't have kids do serious science work!" Jonah snapped

"Age, gender, race, none of it matters to us" I explained "and discrimination will not be tolerated."

"Children have longer lives ahead of them." Jonah exclaimed, "You can't put them in danger."

"We all have lives ahead of us," I said "and we don't want anyone left out."

"Fine!" he said "but don't come running to me if those kids get you in trouble" Jonah walked away

"Well" said the Fugetoid "it's a shame"

"He wouldn't listen to me either." Said Saraline "but I'd be happy to help you with the Wayne"

"Great." Said Rick, handing her a clipboard "just sign the paperwork and you'll be all set"

Saraline examined the forms "I don't have time to study other worlds," she said "I have enough work on my hands already. But I can still contribute from the Wayne"

"Fair enough" I said "But in this case, you'll be working as a... lesser scientist. To be a head scientist will require dedication of otherworldly studies"

"That's fine," replied Saraline, "so where do I get started?"

"First, how about I take you to I.R.A. central to meet some of your new coworkers"

We teliported to I.R.A. Central

"Here in my world, we have Jeff, who makes weapons, Cranky Kong, who does Alchemy, Tails the mechanic, and Professor E. Gadd, who studies ghosts, and paranormal activity."

"Hi Saraline" greeted Tails

"Kai said you might be joining us," said Cranky Kong

"Also," I added, "we'll start you as an intern while the others show you the ropes"

"We look forward to seeing what you have to offer" said Jeff

"Well look no further" replied Saraline "because Team Timbers is on your side"

WIRATTWOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora