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Apollo was not excited for his next class

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Apollo was not excited for his next class. In the year prior, he had barely managed to pass his Transfiguration exam and he knew it wasn't going to get any easier for him.

He hated the feeling of not understanding something. Which is why he usually avoided things he wasn't good at, like flying. But he could not avoid McGonagall's hard class.

Apollo sat next to Hermione, staring at a beetle angrily. He was supposed to change the beetle into a button. All he managed was to do was test his patience, as he wanted to squish the beetle that seemed to be taunting him.

Although, he did admit he was in slightly better circumstances when compared to Ron. Ron had broken his wand when he had crashed his dad's car into the Whomping Willow.

It was wrapped with Spellotape, but that did not seem to fix it. When Ron tried to turn his beetle into a button, only some sparks came out and he ended up squishing the beetle.

Apollo couldn't help but laugh. Ron stuck out his tongue at him.

By the end of class, Ron was frustrated. Apollo knew that because his eyebrows were scrunched up, like they always were when he was frustrated.

When the lunch bell rang, Apollo almost ran out. This lesson had his brain worn out.

"Stupid—useless—thing—" Ron muttered.

"Write home for another one." Harry suggested.

"Oh yeah and get another howler back," said Ron, stuffing his wand in his bag.

"It's your own fault your wand got snapped—" Ron imitated.

The four of them walked to the Great Hall for lunch.

"What've we got this afternoon?" asked Harry.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts." said Hermione, immediately.

Apollo snorted and took Hermione's schedule. Ron looked over his shoulder.

"Why have you outlined all of Lockhart's lessons in little hearts?" asked Ron, causing Apollo to laugh.

Hermione snatched her schedule from Apollo's hand.

"Hermione's got a crush." Apollo muttered to Ron.

After they finished lunch they went to the overcast courtyard. Hermione sat in a stone step and began reading Voyages with Vampires. Ron and Harry began talking about Quidditch.

Leaving Apollo to wander around. He found Emma whispering furiously with Ginny Weasley. He was surprised they stayed friends, it was uncommon for Slytherin and Gryffindor students to get along.

Once Emma caught him staring, she scowled at him. Emma nudged Ginny and they walked away.

Apollo walked toward where they had been sitting, there was a little black book on the floor. He picked it up curiously, wondering if it was Emma's or Ginny's.

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