chapter one

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"How could you Edward, I'm trying to save the kingdom and here you are killing all our fowl! Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that thick skull of yours?!" Dad's at it again shouting and cursing me for no apparent reason. So what I wanted to have my own war. So what I killed a few damn birds ,who cares?!

So there I was armor creaking. Sword drawn and creaping through the forest. "Be brave men" I command and charge on of the fowl Beast. Long legs, sharp beak, killer claws and sharp wings but I fought off bigger and badder beast before. I won't let these Birds get the better of me.

Slash and swoosh.  I feel the hot sticky red liquid spill down the hilt of my sword. My thirst for blood growing until it reaches... That is until Dad interrupted me. He always spoils the fun.

Hi I'm Edward. Son of 'Edward the great' Knight of Dunbrok. I sometimes wish I wasn't tho. I always have to be civilised and not bring shame to the family name. Thus my jet black hair always has to be clean. Apart from that I have ice blue eyes and a slight trace of manhood in the form of a mustache forming. I'm not what you'd like call the strongest or the biggest boy in the kingdom but I'm certainly not the smallest eather.

My dad's holding my sword, a sharp dubble sided blade inbedded with blue and purple quartz and a hilt made of magmanite(strongest material know to man or oger), it was my mother's. She died during childbirth. It was a beautiful blade and one I'm proud to call my own.

My father, after seeing that I'm not digesting any of his teaching finally gave in after making me swear to never bother the fowl again. I grab my sword and rush into battle.

As two swords collide with a sharp clang I take a step back and observe my opponent. A tall knight, blue breast plate, blue chainmail and silver helmet. A dubble sided two handed blade also known as a longsword. I realize this will be my toughest battle yet. I charge the Knight and swing our swords clang together just as my father demands my attention ripping me from my illusion. Suddenly the Knight with the longsword is a dummy made of hay and old wooden barrels... My worst enemy or so I thought...

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