Chapter 17

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Frostsong watched as a Groundclan cat leapt from the bushes and pinned a cat down. More Groundclan cats flooded out of the bracken; it was an attack.

Frostsong stood defensively in front of the nursery. No Groundclan cat would be taking or killing any kits today. Not on her watch.

A brown tom leapt straight at her. As he collided, claws out, Frostsong held her ground. She unsheathed her claws and clawed at his shoulders, holding a firm grip, then launch him to his side and pinned him down, biting at his face. The tom yowled of pain and ran out of the camp.

Frostsong hissed. She saw Leapordfang fighting off a she-cat, Tawnypelt pinning down a tom, and Owlflight and Mottledpaw hissing and scratching at two other warriors. Northpaw and Rosepaw came running to the nursery, along with Ivystorm. "We'll help defend the nursery, mom! You go and attack!" Northkit stated. Frostsong smiled, nodded, and ran to the center of the clearing.

She spotted Lichenstar right away. He was in a heated fight with Brightstar, and she could see Blackclaw making his way to the leaders. Frostsong nodded at him, then ran with him to the fight.

Lichenstar had pinned Brightstar down. "This ends here!" Lichenstar yowled at him. Frostsong ran as fast as she could to them. She was about to lunge at Lichenstar, but it was too late. He already had bit down on Brightstar's neck, sending a pool of blood around him and his screech through the forest. All the cats stopped to look in horror.

Frostsong hissed and spat out of anger. She ran to Brightstar while Blackclaw lunged at Lichenstar and pinned him against the lichenrock, slashing at his throat.

"Brightstar!" Frostsong yowled. Brightstar still had a little bit of life in his eyes. "It is coming," he mustered.

"What is?"

"The... The prophecy... Beware of the water..." He sighed, his last breath still ringing in Frostsong's ears. The life drained from his eyes and his once struggling body fell limp.

Brightstar was dead.

Frostsong turned around to hear a yowl and found that Blackclaw had cut open a part or Lichenstar's stomach, sending away a life. When Lichenstar opened his eyes, he screeched in terror and anger and ran out of camp, the Groundclan cats following close behind.

The clan was silent. The cats had gathered around Brightstar's limp body and began to share tongues one last time. Frostsong was the first, and she backed away. She felt hot tears running down her face at the sight of Brightstar's clan sharing tongues with him one last time.

A pelt brushed against Frostsong's side, and she turned to see nothing but the wind. Suddenly, it seemed as if it began to whisper in her ear.

"Your time had come. It is time for you to fulfill your destiny and lead Pineclan to victory."

"Brightstar?" Frostsong asked. There was no reply. The clan looked at her, wondering what to do. She breathed a nervous sigh and hopped onto the lichenrock.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the lichenrock for a clan meeting," she called aloud, never thinking those words would leave her mouth.

The cats sat around the base of the lichenrock, anxious to hear what Frostsong had to say. She spoke up.

"Pineclan, I am sad to say that Brightstar has lost his last life, and he is now hunting with Starclan. Being his deputy, it is time for me to take on the role as leader of Pineclan. Tonight, I will travel to the Ninetree and gain my nine lives from Starclan. But first, I must appoint a new deputy."

The cats nodded in respect, waiting to hear who the new deputy would be. Frostsong cleared her throat.

"May Starclan approve of my decision. Tawnynose, will you take on the role of becoming the deputy of Pineclan?"

Tawnynose's eyes lit up with pride, and he nodded gleefully. Frostsong smiled. "Then it is decided. Tawnynose is the new deputy of Pineclan!" She yowled. The cats in the clearing were enthusiastic. "Tawnynose! Tawnynose! Tawnynose!" They chanted.


Frostsong walked alongside Ravenfeather as they made their way to the Ninetree. Frostsong was nervous; she didn't know what to do or what would happen.

"When we get into the clearing, we must be silent. But you will begin by jumping onto the lowest branch. Starclan will guide your body to jump onto all nine branches as you gain each life. When you wake up, you will be at the top. You must jump off. Then that will prove your bravery as a leader," Ravenfeather said.

Frostsong nodded, and they stepped into the clearing. The Ninetree was beautiful; it was illuminated by the flashing lights of fireflies.

Frostsong silently jumped onto the lowest branch and watched as Ravenfeather rested her head against it. So, she did the same, and instantly, she fell asleep.

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