The meeting

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The lights dim to eliminate a soft glow from the middle of the room from a large orb. "We have a problem" the orb spoke out with an echoed voice the glow moulding round to show its sound waves with its misty glow. "Information has reached my ears that this boy appeared in an earth military base and has killed over 29 men. He was contained in the base highest secure cell and the humans insist on us coming to see this boy" the voice boomed into the air entering its words to the ears of all.

"WHAT... why is this any of our concern light" Blaze roared. She's never been keen of the human race sees them as bothersome. But can we blame her.

"Blaze please do not yell its very rude, and to answer your question its our concern because this boy used magic, has a death scythe and..." light interrupted her temper but silenced himself swallowing a nervous gulp down his throat before continuing with a quitter voice. "Burned in to his back is the symbol of death"

All freezes at his words looking slowly up to the young looking goddess of darkness sweat dripping down their foreheads waiting to hear her response. " my DEATH MARK" Darkness swirled round her only letting her glowing eyes be shown. The force crumbling the walls and roof like a beast breaking out of its cage. The air thick with the smell of her toxic air suffocating the room causing the members of the room to cough in response

"Death do you mind I have no time for this" Tate snapped at her his voice dead, cold and judgemental, Not affected by her anger, simply bored of her rage. Death would have argued with the stubborn god, but noticed the sinful glares she gained around the room. Staring into her very soul.

But the god causes no further grief and calmed her growing anger. she huffed into a slouch back in her throne her eyes dotting around the room with a cold glint of hatred. "Now you have finished your rage death, we will be going to fix this situation, me as well as Death Tate Warren and Grace we will all go while Pacifica Vanessa Mason Blaze and Penny you will all stay here" light ordered gaining both groins of unhappiness and sighs of relief.

"But remember all of you must come to earth tomorrow, we are expected to be there for the festival of the gods" they all look to him with slight shocked faces

"Has it really been 50 years already" The giant asks as he takes to his big heavy feet walking to the centre of the red carpet waiting for the others.

light completely ignored him as he turned to his wife "Death open the portal I want this problem dealt with as soon as possible" he asked her. But she wasn't happy with his orders, she never likes being told what to do, she would prefer to stay in her room with the dashing husband and melt the night away.

She raised from seat walking to the centre next to warren with light and the other listed gods to join their travels. Calling upon her shadows her large gateway appeared yet again and with slow aching steps those all walked into the darkness and the door slamming shut with a large bang.

"Well that's all" Blaze breathes out with delight, how she hated the long meetings that would normally go on for hours. She lifted herself from her seat but paused as the slight sound of rushing footsteps coming from behind her seat. One the right side wall from the main entrance to the hall, all around the walls surface, a door matching the same amount of the thrones. The colours of each door resembling that of each chair. The one resembling the purple chair opens to a small frail girls body tumbles over her hair black with a fading light purple at her ends. Her pale like skin covered up with a black slinky dress ending just over her knees. Her cleavage showing slightly with a cut down the centre only held together with a string lacing the fabric together.

She lifted herself from the ground dusting her skirt off with her palms, her purple eyes scanning the room "I'm sorry I am late, did I miss the meeting" the concern filling her eyes looking around for her superiors.

Blaze walks up to her and places her palm on the girls shoulder sympathetically so it seemed but a pair of eyes watched very carefully on the girl "Yeah, nothing really major, don't worry kid" Blaze looks down to the shorter god and clamps her had into her shoulder making the younger girl squirm in discomfort. "Why were you late, might I ask?" she speaks low and darkly, with a very suspicious look in her eye.

"Still trying to get used to being in a god's position so a was meditating in Ad- I mean my room" she shakes not looking up to the tall female keeping her stare low and her voice even lower.

Blaze made a disgusted glare to the girl knowing what she was about to utter "Is it because you still cared for HIM. Pathetic he was a traitor you know that, he tried to kill a god to gain power and that is against our laws, how can you still care for someone like him" she snapped to the younger girl with fiery anger.

The girl shacked, like a fouling trying to stand for the very first time, at the words burring into her "I um ... well I ..." she stuttered in fear not knowing what to tell her to not anger her further.

But before more anger was spilt to the girl a hand griped blazes shoulder pulling her back a bit to turn her body to stand confronted by a pair of golden eyes stopping the tempered women in her tracks "Blaze leave her alone. Just because you have no heart doesn't mean we all don't" her voices sweetly said with such an angelic smile but looking at her eyes you can tell there is her own temper hidden away. Knowing never to test a god who literally can poison you with the snap of her fingers, Blaze decided to steep a safe distance away, marching with heavy steps over to the other side of the room.

Vanessa turns to look as the smaller girl placing her hands softly over penny's hands in a soothing manor. "Don't let her get to you, her temper personality matches that of her burning suns" the serpent female giggled to lighten the violet haired goddess.

Penny looked at her with utter amassment, tears gathering in her eyes "I'm sorry I'm a bother to all of you" she was barely able to croak out before tears messily dripped down her cheeks.

"don't say that" Vanessa softly whispered, her mother instincts kicking in, wiping the tears away "everything works out trust me. There is always hope" tenderly she placed her arms around the girl and her tail curls around her legs, holding her, keeping her close and safe.

But it was disturbed by a high pitched child's voice echoing from the doorway of the grand hall "Mummy look mummy" a young girl looking no older than 7 charges up to the pair. She topped with locks of gold similar to her mother. Dressed in a pair of grey shorts and a black button shirt, he possesses scales on most parts of her skin. Around her eyes, on her neck, arms and her legs "I did a painting of you". The child lifted a painting of a swirled lines of colour making up a deformed figure.

The snake picked up her child and cradled her in her arms. holding her close. as if it was the last time se would ever hold her "How sweet darling thank you" penny just watched them with a calming gaze at the two talking to each other. a smile growing slowly on her checks.  

"Cute isn't it, don't know what we would do without her. She brings out the best it all of us"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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