Snake Seed p.2

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I woke up in the hospital I was wizzy and drowsy, the doctors told me to rest more but I felt enegetic and hungry, my vision was not the same I had heat vision and I could see through walls. Mom: are u ok son???
Yeah Mom I'm ok I'm fine
Dad: what the heck happened to u???
Nothing now can u leave me alone!!!
They left the room and as I got hungrier I start shedding fast. After a while all the dead skin feel off and I had skealls for skin, what the heck what, then I notice I'm a snake!!!!.
I snuck out the hospital and all of a sudden a doctor was walking down the outside hall alone, my eyes began to focus on him and I threw myself at him and bite him with a pisonis bite and he became weak so I ate him alive and then started to make my way out.i got to an abondoned house and waited there and started to cry, why me why???? Pls be a nightmare!!!!! I thought and cried and said," I got to go", I started walking and meet a girl walking the sabme way she looked like she was snake to but how I was the only one there that day???.

i got to an abondoned house and waited there and started to cry, why me why???? Pls be a nightmare!!!!! I thought and cried and said," I got to go", I started walking and meet a girl walking the sabme way she looked like she was snake to but how I...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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