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dear, jane.

i don't really know how to start this off. i'm quite nervous to be honest, i just wanted to write you this note because i'm too shy and nervous to say this to you in person.

you are beyond beautiful, stunning, gorgeous. i could stare at you all day. not in a creepy way of course....anyways, your smile is the greatest thing i've ever seen. its so adorable how your nose scrunches up when you laugh.

whenever you pout your lip at something you find adorable its the cutest thing i've ever seen. how you talk about something you're so passionate about its just, i can't explain it. you're so intelligent. i hope you realize how much you're worth, i hope you realize that no matter what you do or say, i could never stop feeling the way i do.

i'm running out of room on this paper, i'm sorry i couldn't fit in everything i adore about you. that'll take up all the paper in the world...

until next time,
anonymous. ♡


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