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( jane's pov )

i walked to my locker, excitement filled my body. i couldn't wait to read the letter my secret admirer had written me today. even though its been three days since i got my first letter my heart filled with happiness every time i read over the notes again and again.

yes, i re-read the two letters i got over and over, so what? they're cute. i never had anyone talk about me like this or describe me the way this person describes me. it made me feel so confident and happy.

i opened my locker and watched the folded paper fall to the ground. i grin and pick it up, i unfold it and read it. i giggled at the noel fisher comment. they're right, i am obsessed with noel fisher, i have his picture taped on the inside of my locker.

i bit my lip as i folded it back up when i was done reading it. i put it in my backpack with the other notes and shut my locker. i looked around the crowded and loud hallway, my eyes scanning the students that could possibly be my secret admirer.

my eyes soon landed on a boy who was looking at me, he stood i front of his locker. he was tall, muscular, and definitely more beautiful than any other guy i've ever seen. besides noel fisher of course.

when he noticed i caught him he quickly looked away and at the floor. my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, could he be the one writing these notes to me? before i could get the chance to walk over and to him the bell rang indicating that class was starting. the boy quickly walked to his class and i tried to walk after him but other students got in the way.

i lost him in the crowd.

i sighed and turned around to go to class. hopefully i see him later so i can talk to him.


LETTERS 2 JANE || GraysonDolan. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant