So close.

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I was awake.

"Sweetie get up!" It was the sound of my mother's voice. It sounded urgent. So I got up quickly and got out of the car.

We were pulled up on a driveway infront of a garage. It was a mechanical garage. The kinda place with all the old run down cars. It smelt of oils and gases. It smelt funny. I grew up in farmlands, where the air is cleaner. I looked around, taking in all my surroundings. It was a new place here! It was warmer, it was brighter, and most of all, it was busier. There were actual people! Not just cows and chickens! In fact, their were no cows and chickens!

I was feeling out of my comfort zone. But I kinda liked it.

I walked over towards where my mom and uncle were standing. They were talking to a hispanic man with a scruffy beard and hands full of blisters and bruises.

"Who is this?" He said gesturing towards me. I looked up surprised. I was about speak but then I saw the scowls on both my mom and uncles faces. And then i realized now was not the time for me. This man was simply trying to take away tension.

But why?

"Hi, my name is Kayla." I smiled politely. Also trying to brighten the mood. "Mom, why did you call me? What's wrong?"

"Look, now is not the time Kayla. We have a bit of a problem." She then looked toward the man again. "Sir, please. We have no money. We just traveled across the country to have a different start to our life. It was supposed to be a new chapter. Can't you just help us?"

What was wrong? Was I missing something?

"Miss, I can look at your car and do a small check up, and I can let you fill your gas tank up and I will pay for those because you seem like you are struggling right now. But your car looks to be in pretty bad shape. I don't think it is something cheep." The man sounded sincere. He cared about us. But I knew we were screwed.

And then my mom started to cry. She quickly walked over towards the car, her hands to her face. trying to hide the tears.

"Miss, Please -"

My uncle spoke quicky, "I will go talk to her. Please, she is my sister. I will get her."

I ran after him. But then He pushed me back. It must be one of those conversations I shouldn't get in. It wasn't my place. She was my mom. I couldn't have done anything anyways.

I watched him sit down in the front and pull her into his arms. He held her as she cried. You saw his empathy, she was inconsolible. I walked back from where I stood watching towards the man again.

"So, where are you coming from?" He asked still trying to brighten up our moods.

"Oh, we're from Indiana. A small town."

"Welcome to California! It's much different than out there in the farmlands. So, what brings your family here?"

"Well, my Grandpa died. We lost everything we had. Our home is run down. We have nothing but each other. We needed something new. So my uncle, my mom and me left. Change is the only way to heal." I spoke not trying to sound sad, but strong. I didn't want to ruin this mans day because of us.

"I'm so sorry." He said with a quiet voice compared to before. I guess I ruined his mood for the day, anyways.

"Yeah, it's okay. Don't be sorry for us..."

"You seem like a smart kid. Funny too. I wish it was different for you. I wish things were better."

"Mhm, I guess so." I looked back towards the car where my uncle and mom were. They got out of the car. My uncle had his arm around her sholders. Holding her up. She wanted to break down right there. You could tell.

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