16. ***

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[A/N - In case someone didn't read the lemon chapter - Kakashi and Mina did the dirty ;) also for anyone wondering why no staff found the 2 in bed, Mina usually has nightmares every night so most of the staff avoid her room]

"By the God's of youth! What have we here?" a loud voice woke me from my nightmare as the door to my room flew open. It took me a moment to realise where I was. I was still in the hospital, in the bed, with Kakashi. Hold on. I was still in bed with Kakashi, completely naked.

Into the room stepped Gai followed by Kurenai and Asuma, all wide-eyed, mouths hanging open at the sight of Kakashi and I. I looked up at Kakashi, who had the sheet pulled over the bottom of his face in place of his usual mask. His sleepy eye did not seem the least bit worried or surprised, he merely gave them all a small wave while saying,

"Morning all," as chipper as ever.

"Kakashi you dog," Gai gave a thumbs up as Kurenai and Asuma shyly avoided eye contact.

"Can you guys give us a minute?" I mean I hadn't seen these guys in years, they all thought I was dead, now here I was back in the village, in bed with the sulkiest person in the village!

The all stepped out of the room sliding the door behind them. I placed my head in my hands, my face

growing hot. Kakashi rested his hand on my head.

"Mina, you're so cute when you're embarrassed." I turned to him to see him smiling and planted a kiss on his cheek before I slid out of bed and gathered the clothes I had been wearing the day before.

Kakashi sighed and reluctantly got up as well, pulling on his pants and shirt before sitting back on the bed.

Fully dressed, I crossed the room and opened the door. No sooner had I opened the door than I was

scooped up into a bone crushing bear hug from Gai.

"Ah, Mina, your youthful good looks have been missed. Glad to have you back."

Barely able to breathe and with the pain in my back getting worse I struggled to reply, "Th-thanks Gai. Can you-"

"Gai she's injured. Put her down." Kakashi said in his usual bored tone. Somehow during the time it took me to open the door he had picked up his book and started reading.

Gai immediately set me down and began apologising.

"Gai, it's fine. I'm so glad to see all of you. I never thought I would again." I pulled Kurenai in for a quick hug and Asuma gave me a friendly kiss on the cheek.

"So, are you gonna tell us where you've been?" Asuma asked as I ushered them into the room, each of them pulling a chair up to the bed where I sat down next to Kakashi.

My body tensed. Tell them where I've been... I had barely even told Kakashi, but I was sick and tired of telling lies and these were my closest friends and I suppose they really should know why I lied to them.

Kurenai must have seen the concern on my face because she placed her hand over mine and looked me in the eye. "You don't have to, Mina."

I smiled and she pulled her hand away, "It's not that I don't think you deserve to know, it's just..." I looked down at my hands, "It's just that it's painful."

Kakashi put his book down, much to the surprise of everyone, including me. He wrapped his arms around me and spoke into my ear, just loud enough for me to hear.

"I love you, Mina. You don't have to tell them right now. But if you do, I will be right here for you." He

squeezed me gently and I turned my face up to give him a quick peck on the cheek, turning his face a bright shade of pink.

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