Chapter 5

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I Hate You Don't Leave me by

Demi Lovato

------------flash back ---------------

I was interrupted once more by a beautiful pair of hazel eyes staring into my soul once again .

Her eyes full of tears ,anger, and hatred

, I feel like crying but I had to stay strong.

But I can't hold it back anymore


Allison's P.O.V

Shealeigh sat on the stool with her violin still in her arms and stared at me emotionlessly . I wanted to break the silence , I opened my mouth but no words came out . The air was so still

I'm surprised it hasn't suffocated me .

It's so quiet in here I can hear a pin drop , its horrible .

I've never liked the quietness , it disturbs me , makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs .

Shealeigh spoke up , " What do you want Allison ?" she said with no emotion whats so ever.

I quietly replied to her ...

"Shea I know this upsets you more than it upsets me but you need to understa- "

" Don't even finish that sentence Allison Hayes ! "

She rudely interrupted me . Her eyes now there was pure anger and rage

Her once hazel colored eyes now replaced by a shade of black , I shouldn't even try to piss her off ;

Shealeigh is fucking scary when she's mad .

" A , I don't you to go , but at I don't want to be the one to keep you here in this shit hole ." she said.

" But I'm afraid Shea , I mean California that's so far away from Kansas , and what if they don't like me ."

I don't know anything about my family , or anything that has to do with them . It's also a lot to drop everything and go to LA with my unknown family .

It would just be plain awkward and very strange.

" Ally ..... " Shealeigh began to say .

" They are going to love you ... you will just have to give them a chance ."

As always Shealeigh was right , she's like a fortune cookie , so wise yet so weird .

" I don't know about this "

I spoke the truth for once in my life .

"Ally ..... please ... do it for me , Ally I want you to be happy "

Shea started to do her puppy dog eyes , they work on me almost all the time .

I hate her for guilt tripping me into going to Los Angeles with my family.

Well she's going to get what she wants cuz I'm going .

" Fine I'm going , are you happy now "

I sounded excited and sarcastic at the same time . I was happy to leave and I kinda wanted to bitch at Shealeigh for convincing me to go.

I look up to see Shealeigh jumping up and down and dancing like a five year old . All i could do was laugh at her ridiculous dancing . Shea noticed and started to frown and began whine like there's no tomorrow .

I know from here on out I was going to be happy . :)

Little did I know that wasn't going to happen and that things would fall apart.

Don't Tell Me (1D,R5, and Laura Marano fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now