Chapter 10

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Amelia's P.O.V

"I should find my friends" I said pulling away from him, but he wasn't having any of it.

Instead his grip on me became stronger as if he was refusing to let me go. I mean it wouldn't be like that right?

"Stay for some more time" he pleaded through his eyes and I didn't have any other option but to agree to it.

"Fine" I sighed.

He pulled my closer to him. Our chests were touching. His hands on my back was making me feel all tingly and my breath is becoming more rapid due to our closeness.

He lead my head to chest. I laid my head on his chest, hearing his rhythmic beat. It felt soothing almost as if it was beating for me.

I felt safe. I am surprised by my actions.

"So, why haven't I seen you around the office?" I asked curiously.

"I go to the office on the 15th of every month. I make sure to go only after every employee leaves the building. Can't risk anyone seeing the owner right?" he asked.

"But why do you hide? I mean this is your company. Shouldn't you get the credit?" I further questioned him.

"Well, I didn't want to be in the spot light" he said and his face scrunched as if he could't believe what he was saying.

I let it go and didn't question him further. He is not obliged to answer me. I mean we barely know each other.

"I think I should find my friends" I said trying pull away from him.

"Why so soon?" He asked me, looking at me with an emotion which is difficult to understand. 

His gaze is so intense making me squirm and wanting to hide away from his stare. It feels like he can see right through me. 

"I have work tomorrow" I said, my voice felt very low.

"You don't have to worry you know"

"It's easy for you to say, since you're the boss" I retorted but soon bit my tongue realizing that I am arguing with my CEO.

"I know. But technically, I am your boss's, boss's boss" he replied with a smirk.

"Yes and you can fire me for being tardy and right now I am arguing with you. Who knows you might even take revenge on me for talking back to you" I said rolling my eyes at him.

Something about my comment made him angry. He clenched his jaw and pulled me to his chest almost immediately, our chests touching, our breaths coming out hard, his eyes were putting hole through my scull. I got nervous by the looks of him. I averted my gaze away from him and looked down at him only for him to pull my chin up and make me look at him, which still looked like he was about to murder someone.

"I would never do that to you" he whispered slowly, trying to calm himself so that it wouldn't look like he is about to kill someone.

"huh?" I breathed out confused at his words.

"I would not take revenge on you, even if you hurt me, Angel" he replied.

He felt so sincere and his voice was laced with hurt and anguish. But why? I wondered.

Just when I was going to reply him, his phone rang. He took the phone and checked the caller id which changed his face expressions into a dangerous one.

"Stay right here. Don't move. I'll be back in a minute" he whispered leaning down to my ears.

He then pulled away from me, only to give me a lingering kiss on my forehead.

"I'll be back soon" he murmured and walked away into the crowd.

I walked to bar and ordered a coke.

"Coming right up" he said and went to get my drinks.

I put my head on my hands and took a deep breath, calming my racing heart.

I felt a presence behind me.

"There you are!" I heard a voice which clearly meant I am in a big trouble.

Please help me from this mess. I prayed and turned around to see the dangerously angry face glaring right at me.


Cliffhanger!! Who might that be? Any guess?

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