Fire of the Talonflame

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Talonflame: Time Hawlucha!
Hawlucha: How'd I do?
Talonflame: Congratulations! You broke your record by one whole second.
Hawlucha: Only one? That's way too slow!
Talonflame: Hawlucha, you shouldn't over push yourself. You're already faster every day.
Hawlucha: If I don't excel myself, I won't win next year's competition and then I have to wait for another four years to enter Aerialist Academy!
Talonflame: Maybe it's Unfezant you want to impress?
Hawlucha: What! I have no idea what you're talking about...
Talonflame: Hawlucha, do you mind that I'm your friend?
Hawlucha: Why are you asking? You know you're my only friend.
Talonflame: I just don't want to be a hindrance to you.
Hawlucha: Talonflame, it's been three years since we've met, and you made the first move. I'd probably still be alone if you hadn't had the courage to talk to me. Although, I admit I never would've imagined to have a friend like you. A shy and quiet female.
Talonflame: I'm not shy.
Hawlucha: Talonflame, you're afraid of your own shadow.
Talonflame: You're so mean.
Hawlucha: Hehehe...
Talonflame: Hawlucha, it doesn't matter how many years pass. Will you forever be my friend?
Hawlucha: Exactly! True friends forever, Talonflame!(Someday I'll tell you)
Talonflame: Yes! Ow! That hurt.
Hawlucha: Hahaha you're so weak...
Talonflame: Oh no, it's so late! I promised my mother I'd be home before nightfall.
Hawlucha: Ok, I'll stay to train a little more.
Talonflame: But don't strain yourself, and remember that you promised to help at the park in the morning.
Hawlucha: I'll be early!
Talonflame: Goodbye!
Hawlucha: Alright! Let's get this going. I'll become the world's best traceuse and then I'll be part of the elite Aerialists in no time!
Talonflame: Good heavens! If I take the usual way, I'll be late. But I can buy some time by cutting through the alley.
Braixen: Hmm? That girl, what's make her enter that place?
Talonflame: It's so scary, nobody's there.
Spearow: Hey, girl what're you doing in our alley?
Talonflame: Eek!
Mightyena: You know, you have to pay a toll to go through there.
Talonflame: I'm...I'm sorry...
Spearow: And if you don't pay up. You'll have to work for us...
Braixen:*slingshots them Hey! Losers!
Both:*cough* You little demon*cough
Braixen: Yeah! I hit them! How do you like that smoke bomb idiots? Follow me...what were you thinking going into that alley?!
Talonflame: I'm sorry...but who are you?
Braixen: The name's Braixen...*bumps into Fearow* that hurt...
Fearow: Girl, you think you're some kind of hero? Time for you to pay.
Both: Hahaha...
Talonflame: P...p...please don't hurt us.
Goodra: Hey guys why're y'all bothering these here kids, when y'all could be playing with me?
Mightyena: Scram boy or you'll regret it.
Spearow: I'll handle him.
Goodra: Do go on.
Spearow: Doll, how about you show some respect to us and for starters give me some gracious hospitality?
Goodra:*kicks Spearow*
Spearow: Urrrgh!
Goodra: Enjoying my southern hospitality?
Mightyena: Cooky little boy!
Goodra: Hyaah! Gotta love them pile of rocks.
Fearow: Boy, are you ready for me? I'm bigger and stronger than you!
Goodra: Now...lets see who's stronger here...Now doesn't that take the cake.
Talonflame: Incredible!
Braixen: He's very strong. I wonder if he also holds a spirit of harmony as like my brother and the others?
Goodra: Y'all be safe now.
Talonflame: Thank you friend.
Goodra: Now listen here girl, and listen good I am not and never will be your friend, you hear me?
Braixen: What's your problem? She just said friend.
Goodra: friendship's nothing but a farce.
Braixen: What is wrong with that boy?
In the meantime...
Hawlucha: One last lap and then I'll head home.
Hawlucha: Hey watch where you going!
Next day, after school...
Noivern: Greninja...what on earth is Pikachu wearing?
Greninja: It's just a design for the battle suits we're going to wear isn't it fabulous?
Noivern: Fashion is a girl thing, you know that?
Greninja: Males like it too...oh Noivern I got you one too! Noivern?
Noivern: I know that girl she's the one that ran away. Hello! You're a classmate of mine. I'm Noivern, what's your name?
Talonflame: T-Talonflame...
Noivern: Don't be afraid I don't bite.
Talonflame: I don't trust my classmates.
Noivern: What?
Braixen: Noivern, have you seen Greninja?
Talonflame: Braixen!!! How are you?
Braixen: H-hello Talonflame, I'm good...
Noivern: You know each other?
A few moments later...
Noivern: What?! Braixen! I know you're 16 but you can't go on alleys alone!
Talonflame: It was my fault. Sorry.
Noivern: I have to ask, Talonflame why are you doing here without a uniform, but what's with that bulky bag?
Talonflame: I'm waiting for a friend but he's really late.
Noivern: A friend?
Even later...
Noivern: They just taunt you, how cruel who would abuse an innocent girl?
Talonflame: They just tease me and calling me bad names.
Noivern: Don't worry about it as long as we're together it won't happen again.
Talonflame: You sound just like Hawlucha...Thank you.
Cat: Meow!
Talonflame: Oh no! It's leg has been trapped in that wire.
Noivern: I'll pull it out. Calm down, kitty.
Noivern: Ouch! It scratched me!
Talonflame: I'll get it.
Noivern: Talonflame, be careful.
Talonflame: Calm down, don't be afraid of me, I'm not a threat to you let your fears go.
Noivern: Amazing! That cat was completely uncontrollable, and now it's totally calm, all thanks to Talonflame.*sees a Jewel shining* Could it be...
Talonflame: I promise I won't hurt you, just let me get that.
Noivern: It can't's the Jewel! It's shining!
Cat: Nyaa!
Talonflame: Hehehe...see, now you're all better now aren't you?
Noivern: T-Talonflame is the bearer of the spirit of Fire!
Talonflame: Goodbye kitty, take care.
Noivern: Talonflame!
Talonflame: Eek! don't scare me...
Noivern: I'm sorry, but you're the person I've been looking for.
Talonflame: I don't understand.
Noivern: Come with me to school and meet my friends I'll explain it on the way.
Talonflame: O...Ok.
At the same time, but at a different place...
Umbreon: At last, Hawlucha, you get to meet my colleagues. This is Absol.
Absol: So you're the boy Umbre was boasting about. I thought you'd be older and taller.
Hawlucha: Size ain't everything, I can still win any competition!
An hour later at school...
Pikachu: Yes! We got a new friend!
Talonflame: Ah! I'm scared of heights!
Greninja: Noivern, are you quite sure she's a bearer?
Noivern: Yes, the jewel doesn't lie. And if you seen her earlier, you wouldn't doubt her. She humbly calmed a furious cat.
Talonflame: I...I really was a Pokemon in another world? And I've seen transformations into Magical creatures in video games.
Noivern: You'll believe us when you see us transformed...Although we have to figure out where and when we can show you.
Pikachu: I have an idea! Why don't we all have a slumber party? We'll have all time to prove it then.
Greninja: Splendid idea, Pikachu! We could do it on Friday...
Noivern: Slumber party?
Greninja: Noivern, you never had slumber parties.
Noivern: My friend lives far away, so I don't know anything about what you do with them.
Talonflame: It means meeting one night in pyjamas at one of our houses.
Pikachu: Yes, and having fun with all kinds of games, especially my most favourite game in all of the world - Minecraft!
Greninja: Talonflame, you've also had slumber parties?
Talonflame: Yes, with my friend Hawlucha...
Hawlucha: Hmm that's strange, I thought Talonflame would be at the park, but when I got there she was nowhere to be found. She can't be still waiting for me at school. Huh? Who's there with Talonflame? What she's doing with those boys?*necklace glows
Greninja: Pikachu, when did you have slumber parties?
Pikachu: When I was little, I had many slumber parties, but my guests were a bit quiet...they were only rocks.
Hawlucha: Talonflame!!!
Talonflame: Hawlucha! Hello!
Hawlucha: What are you doing with these boys?
Noivern: You are Talonflame's friend? My name is Noivern...
Hawlucha: Shut up! I wasn't talking to you.
Talonflame: Hawlucha, they're my new friends...
Hawlucha: No! I'm your only friend, you hear me?
Greninja: Hey! Don't talk like that, boy...
Hawlucha: Shut up, Grandpa.
Greninja: He...He called me Grandpa!!! That insolent midget!!!
Pikachu: Greninja, calm down...
Hawlucha: Let's go Talonflame. Them or me, you decide.
Talonflame: I...I...
Noivern: Talonflame...
Talonflame: I'm sorry, Noivern...
Hawlucha: Listen to me Talonflame. I never want to see you with them again, they'll never be your friends.
Talonflame: But Ha...Hawlucha, if you knew them, you'd see they aren't that bad.
Hawlucha: Greninja is one of them, the most popular boy in school. Did you forget what happened 3 years ago? Some popular Pokemon made you believe that they're your friend. Only to pull a horrible prank on you and in the end the entire school made fun of you...
Talonflame: I'll never forget that. It was before we even knew each other.
Hawlucha: And even if we had knew each other, if I hadn't been there at that moment you would've taken your own life just because of some idiot's mockery. You can trust me, and nobody else.
Talonflame: But I'm sure these are different.
Hawlucha: Lies! They're all the same, I only wants to protect you, but you're still hoping to meet new people. You know that nobody at school likes us, we can only depend on ourselves. But that's going to change, soon. I've met some good people that'll take us away from here. I only have to do something, and then we'll go together.
Talonflame: I don't understand.
Hawlucha: Listen, just trust me. I gotta go, I'm meeting them now.
Talonflame: Okay Hawlucha, but be careful.
Hawlucha: I love you, Talonflame, I once failed a great friend named Swanna. I won't make that mistake with you.
Talonflame: Ha...Hawlucha...
Back in the park...
Cat: Nya!
Umbreon: It's time to prove it to everyone especially to the bearers of harmony.
Cat: Meow!!!!!
Talonflame: Hawlucha told me to wait here, but he's already gone for too long. Also he acted so strange back there, it's the first time Hawlucha really scared me...
Pikachu: Talonflame....
Talonflame: Ah?
Pikachu: Talonflame....Why did you leave?
Talonflame: Ahhhh!
Noivern: You're scaring her, stupid!
Pikachu: Ouch! It was just a joke...
Talonflame: Please leave, I don't want to have problems with Hawlucha.
Noivern: But he can't just forced you to meet other people.
Talonflame: Hawlucha cares about me so much it's like he's hiding something.
Greninja: Maybe you guys are more than friends...
Pikachu: Ooooh! Are you two a couple?
Talonflame: What?! No! Please don't make me choose between you and Hawlucha...
Pikachu: Choose?! We would never make you choose, Talonflame, especially not between friends...
Noivern: We decided to talk to him, we not only want to be your friends, but also friends with Hawlucha.
Talonflame: You'd really do that?
Pikachu: Oh look it's a cute kitty!
Noivern: It's the same cat from earlier.
Manticore: Roar!
All: Ahhh!
Pikachu: That's no cute kitty anymore...
Talonflame: What happened to the kitty?
Noivern: I know this creature it was extinct 450 millions ago, did they cause a spell on that cat?
Greninja: Talonflame, you should stay back as far as possible.
Talonflame: S-so it's have magical powers...
Greninja: There'll be time for amazement later, now get back!
Talonflame: Y...yes!
Noivern: Greninja, are you ready?
Greninja: But we have classes tomorrow, I don't want to get my clothes dirty.
Noivern: I can wash your clothes for you if you want, and Pikachu are you ready?
Pikachu: In a minute, I'm getting into costume...
Mantocore: Roar!
Pikachu: Ah! Can't you wait a minute too, kitty?!?!
Noivern: I told you the costumes were a bad idea.
Greninja: I see your point, these monsters are getting increasingly rude.
Absol: Congrats you can join the Shadowclaws!
Hawlucha: Yes! Talonflame will love to accompany me!
Absol: Talonflame?
Hawlucha: Wait...*thinks in a flashback*(I can't leave her I need her she's my best friend well crush too.) No!
Absol: What?
Hawlucha: I can't leave Talonflame she's important to me. If she can't come I can't come either.
Meanwhile the battle was still raging...
Noivern: Starstorm!
Greninja: Water Wall! Noivern, to keep Talonflame safe we should finish this battle as soon as possible...
Pikachu: Let me try a new invention of mine! Here you go kitty! Electric cannon shock!
Lunala: Kill that weak Talonflame Manticore!
Noivern: Sheild! Talonflame, fly! That monster is really strong!
Pikachu: Bad kitty, cool down a little!
Lunala: Now kill the weeping girl!
Both: Talonflame!!!
Greninja: No!!
Noivern: Pikachu!
Greninja: Water wall!
Noivern: Barrier!
Pikachu: Heh...Hehe...that was a bad idea...
Talonflame: Why did you do that?
Pikachu: Because you're my friend...and friends look out for each already part of the family...
Noivern: Pikachu! Hold on!
Lunala: Enough already! Impact!
Both: Ahhh!
Talonflame: They were defeated...and I will be're suffering for my mistake...I don't want...I don't want anybody to suffer anymore!!!*transforms
Greninja: Incredible, she's flying.
Noivern: It's like seeing an angel.
Lunala: Damn this! Manticore, attack with flare.
Talonflame: Stop! I feel with you kitty...fight it don't let her control you. Fire and wind, please aid me. Noivern! Please help me!
Noivern: Yes! Extractions!
Greninja: Extraction!
Noivern: The help of my friends!
Lunala: No!!!
Talonflame: Kitty, are you okay?
Cat: Nya...
Noivern: Oh no! It looks like his back was hit...
Talonflame: Let me try it.
Noivern: Look his wounds have closed.
Greninja: Talonflame, using that magic seems not to exhaust you.
Talonflame: I'm fine. I asked the energy of wind to assist Pikachu.
Greninja: Splendid, it looks like we have our healer.
Talonflame: Pikachu, are you feeling okay?
Pikachu: I'm feeling very good all thanks too you my friend. This photo is going to straight to my Facebook!
Greninja: Never! I look simply deranged after such a horrible battle.
Talonflame: Are...are they usually so eccentric?
Noivern: Don't worry it only takes a few days to get used to their follies...
Hawlucha: the end you chose them over me...
Talonflame: Hawlucha!
Hawlucha: How could you Talonflame...I gave up everything just to be with you...
Talonflame: Please listen to me, I can explain...
Hawlucha: I don't ever want to see you again,Talonflame! And you're going to pay!...I swear!
Talonflame: Hawlucha!!!
In the night...
Umbreon: Hawlucha what are you doing here?
Hawlucha: I want to go with you there's nothing left for me in that city anymore I want to be a Shadowclaw!*eyes glowing with anger*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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