Episode One: Fresh Blood

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We open on your normal everyday street corner at night. Sometimes, your average person will walk by, but other than that, the street is empty. We are in Clearwood, a small, rundown town in Atlanta. We cut to inside. Avery Whitmore (17) sits inside, playing on his phone while sitting on the couch in his living room. Avery is seemingly your average teenage jock. He's muscular, handsome, and obviously kind of jackass, which can be told just by his mischievous face. Avery's girlfriend, Hannah (17) walks into the living room. 

Avery: Well, if it isn't my favorite girl. 

Hannah: Here I am. 

She sits on the couch beside him, while he lays his phone down on the table. Avery looks back at Hannah, and kisses her. The two kiss for a few seconds, before pulling away.

Hannah: So, you excited for the football game this week?

Avery: I'm excited to kick some ass. And especially, I'm excited to see the look on Deion's face when I score the winning goal. Maybe then I can tone down his ego.

Hannah: I can see it already. You know, if you do really well, maybe I'll reward you. 

Avery: Is that so?

Hannah: I guess we'll see. Look, I'm really tired, so I'm going to head out.

Avery: I'll see you at school tomorrow.

The couple kisses. As Hannah walks out of the house, we cut to a first person POV of someone watching her. They pull out their knife. We cut back over to Hannah. She is pulling out her keys. Just then, she hears a noise in the bushes. 

Hannah: Who's there?

There is no response.

Hannah: Avery, if that's you, then there is no chance you're getting into my pants anytime soon. 

Once again, no response. 

Hannah: Oh real mature asshole. Come and get me like a real man.

Just then, Hannah gets a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: You said I could do it.

A figure jumps out of the woods. They hit Hannah's head against Avery's house, knocking her unconscious. The figure drags Hannah away. We cut back to Avery, who is still sitting on his couch. He stands up, and walks into the kitchen. He grabs a soda out of the fridge. He hears his phone ringing in the living room. He runs back into the living room. He grabs his phone. It is an unknown number. Avery, confused and curious, answers it. 

Avery: Hello?

Unknown: Hello?

Avery: Who is this?

Unknown: Who am I speaking to?

Avery: I think you have the wrong number. Goodbye.

Unknown: Wait. I think I recognize your voice. Ahh, I remember. You're Avery Whitmore, from the Clearwood Reapers!

Avery: Yep, that's me. Always nice to talk to a fan.

Unknown: I love seeing you play! You are so much better than everyone on that team, especially the Deion kid.

Avery: You aren't the only one who thinks that. 

Unknown: Man, I can't believe I am actually talking to you right now. I don't think you understand how big of a fan I am of you.

Avery: Well, I am a pretty big local celebrity.

Unknown: Well, I have one important question for you.

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