being a pup

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The small pup whimpered while squirming around in the warm moss, trying to find his mother, the only thing he could smell was the sweet milky scent coming from her mother and the outside world, then he squirmed towards his mother. "What should we name him?" the she wolf asked looking at her mate her bright green eyes shining."how about blaze?" the muscular male replied."thats perfect" she barked softly, licking blaze gently as he suckled. He then yawned tiredly and fell asleep next to his mother. "I will be back" the male wolf said walking out of the den."dont worry blaze...your safe with me..." she cooed noticing him twitching but then he was soothed because of her sweet calm voice.

Blaze woke up he was finally two weeks old and he slowly opened his eyes and looked around"wow...." he barked looking at the cave he then looked outside. The she wolf looked at him with amusement"want to go outside?" she asked him as if she knew what he was thinking. "Yeah!" he barked immediately his tail wagging. She smiled"alright then lets go" she cooed, walking out of the cold den onto the soft, green grass with the warm sun beaming on their fur. Blaze looked around"wow! This place is amazing!" he barked wagging his tail happily as he let the gentle wind ruffle his pelt, he then looked at his mother"go ahead and play but stay where i can see you" she warned with a small hint of worry in her voice. "I will i promise!" he replied as he bounced around in the grass and rolled around. This will be so much fun! He thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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