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"Right guys we have a job tonight, Clive Burns is overdue on his payment. Mia it’s your job to lure and then we will finish the rest". My brother says throwing some information on his desk that we all won't read and walk out. I turn to Jessie and say "God we have been doing this for so long it almost seems normal". He chuckles and walks out, leaving me to plan my lure.

The job of the lure or "catcher" is to lure the men out into the alleyways so my brother and his friends can finish off. The important part is not to act on your own but that doesn't go well for me. I have been close to losing jobs due to my "naive" nature and quick will. The same nature that got mum and dad killed. But I have been doing this to long to mess it up; I've been training since I was eleven.

I turn to Mayson and say "Which alley are we using or is it the same set up as last time"? He shrugs and reply’s saying "I don't know but can you park the car kind of nearby since I need to hack into the CTV'. I nod and walk out into the cold bitter New Jersey air.

Our gang has a reputation that people know us for, we don't have a name but they call us 'The Price Family' since Ethan and I's last name is price, our gang runs in the family. He inherited the gang when mum and dad died, I think he was seven but we had Grandpa Look after it.

I walk out into our massive lounge room and I sit down on one of the plush red felt couches. I begin to look at the bottles of hair die Ethan brought back from the shop. I decide my orange hair has become too familiar and I decide to change it back to my natural black hair. I pick up the box, open it and get the dye. I walk out to see Jake walk in. He picks up the remote and changes it to wrestling. "You know it’s fake" I say my opinion piping up. He smiles a bit but then 'coldly' replies "Shut up or I might accidently hit you when we beat up Clive".

I finish blow drying my newly black hair with a hair dryer and then I walk over to Ethan’s room. "Okay you know I don't want to do this but fine". I quickly press my ears up and I hear muffling from the phone. "I've told the guys, they were against it at first but I guess it’s what we have to do" my brother says. It’s silent for a while but then he says "You promise nothing will happen" but he gets cut off and I feel annoying wanting to know what could happen. I press my ear against the door a bit more but he just says bye and then sighs.

I open the door and say "Ethan you look so stressed what’s wrong". He looks a bit guilty a first but then says "It’s nothing Mia. Go do something useful and stop bugging me". I feel my bad temper boil up inside me and I let a little bit out by raising my voice and saying "bullshit Ethan! All you have been doing is moping around and sighing. I don't know what the fucking problem is but you need to tell someone what’s going on okay. It’s not healthy and its going to get in front of our jobs". He rolls his eyes which is a trademark that we both have and snappily say "Mia you need to get the fuck out of my face and do something useful, maybe go slut yourself up for tonight’s catch". That pisses me off and I kick him in the shin and yell "you know without me you would never get them out of the bar" and with that I storm out of his room and walk back into mine making sure I slam the door.

I open wardrobe and pick out a dark cherry red dress and start to do my smoky eye makeup. I get out my curling wand and curly my new black hair. I open my draw after finishing with my mascara and begin to search for some contacts. I sigh realizing that I don't have any left and hope that Clive doesn't recognize me for one of New Jerseys most feared girls.

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