Moving In

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 Right I’m writing this while I’m at the family court so please excuse any lack of imagination or bad spelling or grammar.


I am taken inside by Hunter and shown my new house. The front doors open up into a massive hallway. I look around and take in my surroundings; it’s nothing like what I thought the house would look like. The hallway has two staircases which lead onto a second floor. The house has massive doors with carpet on the floor. Hunter takes my arm and leads me to the right.

“This is the kitchen,” he states while I look around. The kitchen has counters that line the sides of the room and an island counter that has stove and sink on it. Towards the back there are two tall, metallic fridges.

This house is turning into a mansion.

“There is always food in the fridge,” he continues, leading me back out into the hallway and towards the opposite door. A dining table is the centre piece of the room and expensive pictures hang on the walls.

“This is really nice,” I say. He scoffs.

“Did you decorate it”? I ask. He nods, and opens his mouth to say something else but stops himself.

We walk up the stairs and he gestures towards some doors. “There are the bedrooms for the boys.” Down the hall, there is one room at the end.

“This is my room, yours is to the right and our bathrooms are connected. I hope this is okay,” he says.

“Great, in next to Satan,” I mumble. 

“Hey, I know it’s hard but I’m not that bad. I think you’re just scared of my sexiness” he taunts.

“Bitch” I retort, and head into my room, all of my bags are in there. I begin unpacking and placing my things in the white drawers. This room really needs some colour. Maybe I can get Hunter to take me out and buy some stuff.

“Mia, come downstairs and meets everyone,” Hunter bellows up the stairs.

I go out of my room, walk down the hallway and down the stairs.

“Everyone, this is Mia. She is from The Pride Family but she might be joining The Bronx Pack, but she has to prove herself.”

I interrupt him. “I don’t have to prove shit. You’ve already taken me from my gang and my last family member and you expect to prove myself?!”

He just kind of stands there speechless for a second before walking over to me, and leaning in to whisp, “Please, refresh my memory, didn’t your brother give you away for his gang? And didn’t the deal say that you have to do whatever I want you to do?”

The sad thing is, is that my brother did give me away. I nod and he leads me over to the guys.

“This is Drew, don’t call him Andrew” He says motionin to this guy who is about 6’4” with black hair, green eyes, muscular build. He has a snake tattooed on his neck. “He will be your coach for training but I will talk to you about that later”.

I nod and he moves onto the next guy. “This is James, he is our computer expert and he helps us get in and out of big jobs”. I look up at James who has sandy blonde hair and blue eyes.

“Hi,” he says trying to be nice but the words just come out awkwardly. I wave back.

“This is Chase, he looks tough but he is really a big softy. Don’t let the tattoos fool you”.

Chase lightly punches Hunters arm and teases, “Says the one who wet his pants on the first day of school!”

Hunter goes a light shade of pink. “Chase, I think you are getting confused between you and me at school”. I look at Chase who, did have a lot of tattoos on his arms. He has black hair in a crew cut and grey eyes.

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