Chapter 1

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It was quite at the dinner table we didn't have that much food. Me , Naomie my run away sister , mom and Joey where waiting for  Angelica. She is always missing one minute she's thier and in a blink she's gone

" Where could she be?"  Joey mumbled

" She will be here soon sweetie" my mom said in a  soft whisper

" what if she got cought by the Goldens" Naomie said whith no hesitation 

I looked at Naomie, she was just staring at her plate with no expression, but she was wrong. I know Angelica she would have find away to escape them, sometimes I think she's a ninja because she moves so fast. Then at that moment we heard a knock on the door and we checked threw the window it was Angelica with Tonio but we call him Tony and sometimes one bit because he can bring fear in one move. He has black messy hair  about 6 foot 2  and is always wearing his jet jacket and he is Naomie's boyfriend, Joey  opened the door

"Where was she?" Joey asked Tony glaring at Angelica

" She was trapped by The Goldens " Tony said looking at Angelica with a sigh

 " I was fine I had my pocket knife, I could have handled them!" Angelica whispered yelled 

" W-wait I-is that a HICKEY?!" Joey yelled " you could have handled it  huh?" He crosses his arms

" Fine I messed up okay, I was just walking and took a short cut it was only a block from the border !" Angelica 

" Puppy eyes they could have raped you" Naomie said walking up to the door and hugged Angelica " What would we do with out you puppy eyes"

Angelica let out a big sigh, she then walked in and sat down to the dinner table. Angelica sat down next tome with out saying a word. I saw the Hickey it was not that notifiable it will disappear by morning.

" Stop looking at it Abby" Angelica said not making eye contact

I knew she was not in the mood because she called me by my first name, normally she calls me by my nick name Ginger

" I-I'm sorry...." I said trying not to sound like I pity her 

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" Thanks for saving her Babe " Naomie said laying a kiss on Tony's lips 

" It was no problem me and the boys where on watch near the border, we where lucky we followed the  Goldens car" Tonio said kissing Naomie back 

Tonio could not stay for dinner but he did take some to give to his younger brother Leo. Good thing he couldn't dinner was quite,  we finished Dinner and  Angelica and I did the dishes. She didn't speak to me and it bothered me, when we where done we went straight to bed. We shared a bed while Naomie had her own room with her own bed. I looked at Angelica, she knew I was doing it and then she turned her head and looked at me back, he dark brown eyes shined in the moon light her Native american skin shined as well, her wavy brown hair spread out on the pillow. Looking at her this close I noticed that she was really a looker, she works at the Rodeo at Avers street, even with her being Hispanic and colored boys still found her attractive. I remember me and Naomie going to visit her and most boy even Golden boys  flirted with her while making their bets. Boy she says they do that just for kicks but I don't thing so. I mean we live In California racism  here really is not that big.

" You going to be looking at me all night ?" Angelica said

" N-no..." I hesitated 

At that moment she chuckled and  sat up 

" I'm here now its okay, I know things could have ended badly but i'm here" She said smiling at me

" Right" I smiled back at her

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