Mikasa's First Highschool

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THIRD PERSON POV. (A/N: There will be some Armin x Mikasa too, but then there'll be some Eremika)

Mikasa Was Awoken by he annoying Alarm clock which was set to dogs barking. It was her first day of school although she was the only Neko there.

"Mikasa!!!!!!!!! Come On! Don't be late!" Mikasas Mother Called

"Comin' Mum!" Mikasa Shouted

Mikasa hopped in the shower, washed her shoulder length Raven Hair, Put on a White Tee-Shirt and a thigh length pair of white shorts her mom wanted her to wear, although it wasn't really in her comfort Zone. Mikasa Ran downstairs, Ate dinner and hopped on the bus.

Everything was Staring at Mikasa, Making her uncomfortable.

"Woah....The Fuck?" One Boy Said

Mikasa was Nervous. One Boy then Yanked at her tail, making her screech and punch the kid, making him fling against the back of the bus.

"The Hell is wrong with you, Physco!?" The boy yelled.

Mikasa stopped the bus driver then ran out of the bus, jogging to her home.

"Mum! I don't want to go to that school!" Mikasa Shouted with tears forming in her eyes.

"Aww, What happened?" Mrs. Ackerman Asked

"They were all staring at me and tugged at my tail, so I punched a kid!" Mikasa Shouted, allowing a tear to fall down her cheek.

"Okay okay, I'll enroll you in an All Neko School. Come Here Hon" Mrs. Ackerman said.

Mikasa hugged her and cried silently. Although she was strong and fierce, she did have feelings too.

*~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~*

Mikasas Alarm clock went off once again, As she turned it off, Hopped in the shower, and put on a Different White Tee-Shirt with a Thigh Length Skirt, which she only wore for special Occasions. She put on Sandals, with a Golden Strap. Mikasas Shirt said "Neko For Life" In a Beautiful Cursive Font. She then brushed her hair, she swayed her tail around happily and ran downstairs, running out of the door without saying bye to her parents. She Hopped onto the bus, everyone was Just like her, although she wasn't very social, they all just stared at her, making her uncomfortable, She was UnDoubtably the Most Beautiful Girl who attended that school.

A Brunette Hair colored Boy approached her, his ears were Brunette with a bit of white, along with his tail, Brunette with faded white stripes going in different Locations on his tail.

"Hello!" The Brunette Said

Mikasa Looked up and Responded.

"Uh..Hi.." She Responded with a Slight Stutter.

"My Name's Eren, Yours?" The Brunette Said.

"Uh, Mikasa.." Mikasa Responded

"Cute Name!" Eren Shouted, Making everyone look.

Then a Boy With Brunette hair, with a bit of blonde on top approached her.

"Hello, is 'He' Annoying you?" The Boy Asked

"No..." Mikasa Responded

"Are You Sure?" He asked again

"Screw off You Horse  Faced Bastard!" Eren Shouted

"Don't Tell me What to Do, You Suicidal Prick!" The Boy Shouted

"Jean! Eren! Sit!" The Bus Driver Said sternly, making them sit down. But Eren Decided To Sit by Mikasa.

Eren x Neko! MikasaWhere stories live. Discover now