Unpredictably Sweet

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You stared at the boy standing by your front door. You were having an intense staring contest. If he thinks youre backing down, hes wrong.

Arent you going to let me in? He asked. He was clearly irritated, but you didnt care.

He can stand there for as long as he can.

Why should I let you in? You asked him.

You were pushing his buttons on purpose and he knew it.

But he also knew how to push yours.

Because Im your boyfriend.

And that is how the door got slammed on his face.

The nerve he had. After the trouble he got you in? Ugh.

Boyfriend? You asked no one in particular. Hell he wishes.

And you stomped your way up the stairs, ignoring the stare of your butler.

Three hours later, someone knocks on your bedroom door. Its probably one of the house helpers, calling you for dinner.

You open the door.

Your mom was standing there with a smile on her face.

Mom, are you okay? You asked.

She pinched your cheeks and said you had a visitor.

You have a visitor? You couldnt hide the shock and fear on your face. Last time you checked, you had no friends.

Well, you HAD friends.

You lost them all in a snap because of something you didnt even know happened.

And all of it made you think of all the times you had.

It made you wonder, were they really your friends?

You didnt think so. It was your money and your name that they were friends with.

Whos here? You asked the butler as he walked with you to the dining area. The butler simply smiled and said the visitor will join dinner.

After what happened yesterday, you couldnt think of a single soul who would want to visit you.

You entered the dining room and saw a boy.

He was having a conversation with your dad and your dad seemed to like what they were talking about.

The question was, who was this boy?

His back was turned to you, but as you got closer, the feeling of dread made itself feel at home in your stomach.

This has to be a joke.

Your father noticed you and called you over. Your mom sat next to him.

You sat in your usual spot. Unfortunately, he was right beside you.

Seeing your parents up close, you notice the shock on their faces too.

What was the son of their rival company doing in your home?

Hi, he greeted you happily. You saw through his facade, his smile gave it away. Jerk.

What are you doing here? You asked with a smile.

As much as you hated his guts, you had to be polite in front of your parents.

I was in the neighbourhood, I thought Id visit my gir-

Jin, are you here for the science notes you missed yesterday? You interrupted him, ignoring your parents questioning looks.

Dear gods.

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