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For my best friend.
We've know each other since before we were even born.
If soul mates exist, you certainly are mine.
You've always been more of a sister than a friend.

This book will have adult content and language. It will not be censored for a younger audience. 18 and up is recommended.
I'm not kidding, you have been warned.

P.S. Even if you are 18 and older, if you are easily trigger by anything (drugs, LGBTQ, sex, abuse), then this isn't the book for you.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy.

Comment if there are any errors, part of the reason I'm posting this on Wattpad is because you all can comment and let me know. I want to make this the best it can be. Do not be afraid of hurting my feelings. I also want your opinion, just please, I hope it goes without saying, no trashing or hate. It's not welcome. Constructive criticism is, however.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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