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Pain. That was all I could feel. Pain.

The kind that breaks your heart.

The kind that physically and mentally damages you.

That's all I could feel. I fell to my knees as I watched it burn. The place I was born. The place I was raised. The people I loved. Gone. Reduced to ash and soot. I was left alone. A twenty one year old female. The girl who had everything. The loving family. The status. Money. Now I was nothing. I was no longer the daughter of an Alpha. I was now a rogue. I was now one of those things that cause my misery.

     But I couldn't stop it. Nobody can predict the future. Only look for the signs. Guilt took over my trembling body. Why didn't I warn them? Why didn't I think about every that started happening? The random rogue appearances. The notes. The change in atmosphere.  Why? Why didn't I notice this sooner? Why didn't I stop it from happening? Why did I not trust my instinct?

     I would live forever knowing this was all my fault. I could have seen my sister's face again. My dad would lecture me about finding my mate. The smell of my mother's cooking. The laughter of the pack house. I would never witness this again. All because I wasn't paying attention. And now my pack was no more. Never to be seen or heard again.

Because of one mistake.

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