Chapter One.

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DISCLAIMER: There will be mature content including violence, vulgar language and sexual references. If you do not like these themes I suggest finding a new book. Otherwise, thanks for reading and enjoy the ride!

Two Years Later...

"Two rouges from the Elites have been spotted and rounded up, your majesty." My right hand man, Miche, announces walking into my den. I look up from my desk.

"I see, thank you for notifying me." I say standing up. Miche nods and leads me outside to those disgraces. 

"Kneel before your Queen!" Miche shouted, forcing the rogues to kneel. 

"Well, look at what my guard dogs brought me." I snarled. Their bodies tremble in fear. "What do you have to say for yourselves?" 

"W-We don't know what y-you're talking about..." Rogue one whimpered. Pathetic.

"Oh, come on sweetheart, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're both part of the group Elites if I'm not mistaken." I say sweetly. Both males nod their heads quickly. "The same group that killed the Moonstone pack?" They nod their heads again.

"W-We were only f-following orders m-miss.." Rogue two sates.

"It's Queen to you!" Miche shouts. The men lower their heads, showing their necks in a sign of submission. I chuckle.

"Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news boys but...well you're not making it out of here alive." I say crouching down in front of them.

"P-Please your majesty! W-We were only following orders! I swear!" Rogue one screams.

"Begging for your life. How pathetic. Why should I give you mercy when you gave my pack non!" I screamed gripping his chin. Their eyes filled with fear. 

"We didn't want to!"

"I don't care." I look at Miche and nod. I stand up and turn away from them as their meaningless bodies are dragged away begging for mercy.One of my members, Aria, walks up to me with a folder. 

"These are the newest packs around the area. Staying here is gonna be tough, the largest pack in America has moved here. If we're not careful, we're not gonna last." She says. I snatch the folder.

"Oh really? Do you not trust me? After everything I have done you do not trust me?" I snap.

"I do, but as your adviser, I'm simply warning you that your 'Queen Of Rogues' status might not last for much longer if we do not move." She replies.

"Adviser?" Her face pales slightly. "When did I make you my adviser? Your job is to inform me if you spot a rogue from the group Elite or a rogue causing havoc. Not to advise me. That's Miche's job. You understand!?"

"Y-Yes your majesty..." She scurries off. I storm off into my den and slump in my chair.

"Aria at it again?" Miche asks.

"Yes. She's got it in her head that just because she helped advise me in one situation that she's my adviser or my right hand person." I mumble.

"I suppose she's already told you about the new packs in the area."

"Yes. And tried to force me to move camp."

"This area is the safest for you, even if there is a flourish in packs." He says sitting down.

"I know. She then dares to tell me that I will lose my title of Rogue Queen if we do not move. Who the fuck does she think she is!?" I growl. Miche sighs.

"I think the best option is to inform all the packs in the area that we are stationed here in 'No Man's Land'." I nod.

"That's our best option. Very well, I'll send out letters addressed to every new pack in the area in the next couple of hours."

"I best get back to Maria. Lord knows that she's needy." Miche chuckles. I smile.

"Indeed. Go, be with you mate and you pup." He bows and leaves. I sighs and rub my hand over my forehead. This was going to be the death of me.

   After a while I finally finished the one hundred and ten letters addressed to the Alphas of the neighboring packs. "Chris!" I yell. Soon enough my messenger comes running through the door.

"Yes, my Queen?"

"Take all of these to the packs. I trust you will be back by evening?" I announce standing up with the bundle of letters.

"Of course your majesty." He bows and leaves with the letters. I decided to take a walk around camp to see what my group were up to. The young pups were running around and chasing each other, the adults conversing with each other, and the guards looking out for any threats. This is what a normal pack would act like...except we are not a pack. We are just pack-less people who stick together. I sigh as I look around. These people named me their queen...sometimes I feel as if I don't deserve that title.

    Not even a few moments later, screaming can be heard deeper in the forest that surrounds us. I don't hesitate and run into the forest. A pup of eight years old is backed up against a tree by a rogue. I shift into my golden, brown and white wolf, growling loudly as I advance on to the rogue. She turns around and smirks.

"I've been waiting for this." She states making me growl even louder. She luges at me and I dodge swiftly making her face plant into the mud. My wolf chuckles slightly until the rogue shifts into her wolf. We circled each other before she snaps and attacks me. We brawl for a few moments until the guards pin her down. I shift back into my human form and redress quickly.

"Shift!" I demanded in such a powerful voice. The rogue she-wolf practically rolled her eyes and shifted back.

"You can't control me. You're nothing." She spits, glaring at me with a fiery passion.

"Sweetheart, I'm your Queen. I control rogues. And what you did just then? I shut that kind of shit down." I snarl.

"You're not my Queen. You're nobodies Queen. You're just a sad, little girl who gave herself a title to make herself feel special." I chuckle.

"I didn't give myself the title. The people did."

"Alpha Dayne should be a king. I may be a rogue but I know true power when I see it." 

"Alpha Dayne? That is a name I am not familiar with. Please, enlighten me." I say kneeling in front of her.

"He is the Alpha of the largest pack in America. I must warn you, he's right next door." She smirks as if she's won a battle.

"Well, sweetheart, every race needs a monarchy. Werewolves need a monarchy. There has always been two types of werewolf monarchy. The Rogue monarchy and the Pack monarchy. I just happen to be the Rogue Monarchy."

"Don't say I didn't warn you." She growls out laughing uncontrollably. I roll my eyes and stand up.

"Say hello to Satan for me, mutt." I mumble before walking away.

"What the hell do you mean?!" She screams before she is dragged away.

"Y-You're majesty!" Chris yells coming up to me.

"Yes, Chris? You're back early." I state.

"I know, but I have an important message for you. From one of the packs." He mutters catching his breath.

"Which one?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"The Blood Rose pack, ma'am."

"Never heard of it, how big is it?"

"Very big miss. The Alpha sent me back with this letter your majesty." Chris hands me an elegant looking envelope that has been sealed with an expensive brand of wax.

"How big did you say this pack was, Chris?" I ask again studying the envelope.

"T-The largest pack in America." I freeze for a second.

"Their Alpha's name?"

"Alpha D-Dayne your majesty..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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