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(Carters POV)

So let me give you a run down of my family in case you're new or it's been awhile since you've heard from us.

First off, I have 2 mom's. There's my Mama and then there's my Mom. If you're new, stay with me. I'll explain.

My mama name is Chloe Dexter. She is a pretty blonde teacher who is very sweet and equally overprotective and a buzzkill but I know she loves us and just wants the best for us. She makes great biscuits and is the boss around the house most times. She's very short but don't underestimate her because she has a strong arm and likes to throw things. She had 2 horses but due to the fact that we were always busy and never had time to actually take care of them she had to give them away. She cried for a week.  She always smells like lavender and honey and is basically the best mother ever. Well besides my other mom. You see how that can get confusing?

Then there's my mom, Valentine Dexter. Yes like the day. I hate when people ask that. Anyway, she is also a teacher. If you know my mom you'd know that teaching is the farthest thing from what she used to do and probably the safest thing she's willing to do. I try to tell my younger siblings that she was a badass soldier but the twins were too young to remember and Ava wasn't born yet. So now it's just our secret I guess. She's a little taller than my mama and is the best when it come to understanding me. She's always the one bailing me out of trouble and always the one helping me get into trouble. I know I can come to her about anything and she won't judge me. She's what we call the cool mom.

And then there's me. I'm now 18 and a senior in high school. I'm the oldest of the a Dexter children and I'm pretty damn good looking if I do say so myself. I'm the only one in the house with red hair though. That's because my real parents has red hair. That's at least what I've been told. I'm not sure. I'm guess my mom or dad was tall too because when I turned 13 I got a growth spurt and now I'm 6'1. I have a wonderful girlfriend named Leah who has literally been in my life since the first grade and we have been together since. 11 years to be exact. I don't play any sports because well, I don't want to but I also don't join any clubs either. I'm always busy with work and homework. I'm really trying to get into a good college and make my parents proud. So to keep them from paying for everything I've been working at Starbucks since I was 16 and I have no complaints. Life is good.

I have 2 little brothers, Joshua and Jacob and they are now 11 and although they look exactly, they are completely different.

Joshua is more like me and my mom. He's always outside with some kid named Skinner and he's most likely the one who broke whatever Mama is yelling about. His arm was in a cast like mine was years ago because he tried to climb out of his window to sneak out after he got grounded. So then he had a broken arm and 2 more weeks in the house. He's kind of disgusting too. I've seen him eat worms and a half eaten donut out of the trash can. He's on his middle school football team though. So all of his energy and aggression goes somewhere and he's pretty good from what I've seen.

As for Jacob, well he's quieter than when he was younger. I guess he got older and he doesn't really follow behind Josh. He's always in his room studying or he's making things like this weird robot thing that sits in his room. It's really creepy but my mom helped him build it so he loves that thing. He doesn't say much unless you speak to him first. The only people that can get him out the house or even speak is Josh and his friend Harrison. Jake and Harrison will spend all day in the treehouse my mom built with a bunch of books and eat snacks until it's time for Harrison to go home. It's better than him being lonely so if he's happy so am I. He has a pet hedgehog named Franklin and that's like his other best friend. He's the only one in the house who knows how to play an intrument and not like a trumpet either. He knows how to play the violin and piano. None of us in the house knows how because he's never had lesson from what we know. He also knows French but I think it's from my mom. Again, not really sure where he learned it.

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