The Wall

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This is for MercedesJones7. Hope this meets with your expectations!

After a hard week at work Jane Rizzoli wanted to let her hair down and found herself outside of a bar she hadh never been to before. She walked into the bar with grace and commanding respect. She took a scan of the room before heading to the bar to order a drink.
"Beer, please!"
While she waited for her beer she scanned the room until her eyes landed on a honey blond woman who was sitting at the end of the bar drinking by herself. She paid for the beer and began to drink. Jane watched her for a moment and started to get up when an extremely drunk man started to paw at the beautiful stranger. It was clear to Jane that the woman wasn't interested in the drunk man's advances and made her way over to the honey blond woman.
Putting her hand on the man's shoulder forcefully she turned him around to face her and got right into his personal space.
"The lady said NO, and if you know what's good for you, you'll leave right now" Jane told the man while showing him her police badge. Being drunk as he was, he was too stupid to know what he was doing. He tried throwing the first punch but Jane was ready for him and managed to get him in a head lock.
"Don't struggle or I'll have to lock you up tonight," Jane whispered in his ear, "And I hate paper work, now walk away or go to jail your choice?"
The man nodded once and started to walk away before turning around to throw one last punch at the woman who had embarrassed him.
The beautiful honey blond woman shouted out, "Look out behind you!"
Jane turned just in time to see the drunk man's fist coming towards her. She managed to move at the last second and grabbed the man's arm twisted it around his back and handcuffing him before he knew what had happened.
In the meanwhile, the bartender had seen what was happening and had called the police. They arrived and took the drunk man into custody and asking Jane if she wanted to press charges or not. She shook her head and replied, "Let him sleep it off in the drunk tank tonight and release him in the morning."
When everything had settled down, Jane turned to find that the honey blond woman was gone. She had managed to walk out of the bar and was heading towards her car when she heard the unmistakable voice of the beautiful police woman that had saved her from the drunk man pawing at her. She stopped and turned around to see her running towards her as if her life depended on it.
Still panting from her sprint from the bar to where the honey blond was Jane panted, "I want . . wanted to," taking a deep breath and breathing out, "see if you where okay?"
"Thank you for what you did back there, and yes I am fine." She replied, then turning around to put the key into the lock of her car, she felt a strong but gentle hand on her shoulder and what seemed to be a surge of electricity flow right through her. The hand had managed to turn her around and was joined by the other hand on her other shoulder. Once again the honey blond felt that strong surge of electricity flow through her.
Jane looked deeply into the most beautiful greenest eyes she had ever seen, of the woman she had a strong but gentle hold of. For what seemed like eternity to both women had in fact only been a few second, but it had spoken volumes to both women.
"Would you like to come back to my place?" The honey blond asked Jane. Before she knew what was happening Jane nodded and took the keys and unlocked the car, helping the honey blond into the drivers side of the car. Jane then walked around to the passenger side of the car and got in. "By the way my name is Jane, Jane Rizzoli." She said as she buckled her seat belt. The honey blond answered her, "I'm Maura, Maura Isles."
The ride to Maura's house was quick and very quite. Both women where lost in their own thoughts oblivious to what the other was thinking. Once they arrived at Maura's house Jane got out of the car in a flash and had opened Maura's door before she knew what was happening. Thanking Maura's had she gently helped Maura out of the car, shut and locked the car and leading her to the front door of her own house. Maura had managed to get her house keys out and opened the door and let Jane in. Once the door was closed and looked she lead the dark and mysterious Police officer into the lounge room.
Before she could open her mouth, Jane had her lips on Maura's and was leading her backwards towards the wall. She forcefully pushed her against the wall and was attacking her neck sucking, licking and bitting. Jane had felt a connection with this woman she didn't know but was unable to stopped herself from being consumed by the electricity that seemed to flow from Maura to herself. She pushed Maura up the wall and started to claw at the zipper to Maura's dress. All the while Maura's legs had wrapped themselves around Jane's thin waist while her dress had bunched itself around her waist. "Fuck me!" Maura commanded Jane in between moans of pleasure. Not one to ignore the woman's request Jane's left hand started to descend downwards to the heat she could feel emanating from Maura. Without indication of what she was going to do she forcefully penetrated Maura's hot silky channel with two fingers, causing Maura to moan in pleasure. "Harder, faster, please" moaned Maura. Jane was now pumping in and out of Maura in a wild manner while her thumb was making circles on her clit. Feeling the beginning of Maura's orgasm begin fuelled Jane to add another finger in Maura's sex and push into her harder and faster than before and using her led to help push herself into Maura faster she bit down on Maura's shoulder causing Maura to scream out Janes name as her orgasm hit her. Jane continued to pump into Maura until she could feel the last throbs of her pulsating clit come to an end. Jane then turned her face towards Maura and kissed her on the lips while slowly pulling her fingers out of the one place they felt at home in. She release Maura's lips and bought her fingers to her mouth to taste the disheveled yet beautiful honey blond in front of her. It was a taste like nothing she had ever tasted. Jane's mouth curled at the ends into a smirk that spoke volumes to Maura. Still recovering from the amazing orgasm that Jane had just given her Maura's legs slipped down to the floor. All the while Jane was holding on to her so she would fall in a heap on the ground. Jane slowly lifted Maura into her arms and carried her to the couch where she gently put her down. Jane pulled out a cards and gave it to Maura saying, "Call me." Then Jane turned and walked towards the door, stopping and looking back before walking out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2018 ⏰

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