Dragon Breakfast To Start Your Day

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I woke up in a bed the next day. Or whatever day it was, my body felt so numb it seemed as if I slept for forever. Which is funny, because I died and that was pretty much the whole idea of death. Unbeknownst to me, my understanding of death was COMPLETELY wrong. The room around was bright white and smelled like vanilla. That scent was enough to let me know that I definitely was not at the apartment complex in Manhattan, which typically smelled like dry oatmeal. 'Oatmeal smells good, Alex'. No, it does not because I do not like oatmeal.

There were shiny ornaments all around the walls. And strange portraits of what seemed like really ancient drawings of people. There was one with an old guy, a long-wise beard with an eyepatch covered over his right eye. What was really distinct was the suit of golden armor he wore which was..something you only saw in RPG games that took place in medieval times. This felt like I was in some museum hospital(if those were a thing) and they had put my body on display to let people know that I was one of the many people he killed. Couldn't be that though, became there were four walls with no opened display space. It was like your casual low-end Manhattan hotel room, except much, much cleaner.

I moved my self to the edge of the bed, just talking a moment to absorb that vanilla air. If I had really died and this was the afterlife, I don't think I ever wanted to leave.

Much to my surprise someone came banging on the door. Like, one of those mailman doorknocks you hear every week morning. An unpleasant sound that always was. I got up and went to answer it, "Hello, Alexander." The woman who had greeted me was.. A little short. Hey, maybe this wan actual elf and my death sent me to the Northpole for being such a nice boy. All jokes aside, she looked rather aggravated. Like she didn't actually wanna come and see me but had been told to. What really scared was the fact that she also wore battle armor like what the man in the picture had, except not as golden and luxurious looking. She also had a sheathed sword at her waist, which I found pretty impressive. Despite her being so small, she was pretty tough to be able to carry a sword at least twice her size in both length and width. "Uh.. Hey? Can you tell me exactly where am I and why am I not dead? Because I am pretty sure that I died." She gave me a disappointed look, as if I was supposed to know something. "You're in Hotel Valhalla. Home of the einherji, where we live and train till' the day that Ragnarok comes. We are the special set of warriors to fight alongside Odin in his army." Once again with the words that I do not understand. God, I really need to carry a translator around everywhere I go. It brought me back to what Galiga had said, when she mentioned something about Alfheim and Asgard? Not that I knew what that was, but that sounded familiar enough that it seemed like it all fit together. "English, please." I replied, hoping that I wasn't about to get smacked in the face by a gigantic sword's hilt. "What is there not to understand? You're an einherji. You got killed and Odin decided you were worthy enough to join him." Okay.. What? "So, let me get this straight. I got killed by an elf and that automatically deemed me worthy to fight in some Nordic doomsday?" I could see her grip her hilt at my remark, which really caused me to brace myself. Luckily, she loosened up and just turned her back towards me. ''It does not work that way. Yes, you were killed by an elf but within it you acted bravely. Not knowing what had been happening, you built the courage to go and fight until your last breath. Not to mention, you also succeeded in killing the elf as well. I believe the All-Father noticed great potential in you. Despite, being one of your /kind/." Honestly, the way she described it made me seem a lot cooler then how I actually felt. And just as I was about to thank her, she addressed me as 'kind'. What did that even mean? "What do you mean when you say, 'kind'?" She shook her and went to the door. "You'll find out all that soon. For now, we need to make for the Feast Hall. It's nearly time for breakfast." She curved a scary grin, one that made me think she was gonna attempt to kill like Galiga did. Well, Galiga succeeded but; that's complicated.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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