Chapter Two: "Normal" is Nonexistent, Apparently.

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(A/N: sorry this is going so slowly, I've been procrastinating and I don't even know why... But hey, now I have only either this or finishing off the half gallon of ice cream I got two days ago... so for once I'm going to consider my health and write.)

(Your POV)

I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. All I could see from my spot on the incredibly filthy floor was a clouded window giving me a slightly obstructed view of... The ocean?!

This was enough to make me bolt off the floor. How the hell did I get here?! Well, it must have something to do with Murdoc bursting into my apartment with no warning, which would be bad enough without... this. I looked around, trying to understand something, anything, about my situation. The room was pretty dark, the only lights coming from the dingy window and a fluorescent ceiling light. The floor was dark wooden planks that seemed to be rotting in a couple places, and there was random stuff everywhere that gave me the impression someone wanted the rest of the building to look clean so they threw all their useless old stuff in here. There was also a cot off to the corner, which made me a little annoyed because I had woken up on the floor. I mean, if you're going to knock someone out and leave them in a room with a cot, maybe put them on it...

...Never thought I'd get picky about how I was kidnapped... What has my life come to...

Okay, calm down, get your thoughts together. Just find a way to get out. Maybe the window? I walked over to it, finding that the latch had been... welded? Someone went through a lot of trouble for this. Well, whatever, it's still a glass window. So, if I just find something heavy...

Just as I was about to throw an already broken lamp at the window, the door swung open. I decided in a split-second moment of impulsiveness that whoever was standing outside was a much better target.

I then dove behind the cot since I didn't know who I'd just thrown a broken lamp at and I wasn't too sure how scared I should be.

A loud stream of swears too obscene even for me was followed by the door slamming shut. I stayed behind the cot- okay. It was Murdoc. Um... Nice. I'm staying back here.

Eventually the door opened again. "Okay, luv, I get you're mad, but how about ya not throw shit at me?" Said Murdoc, in the tone he always had when trying to act nice even though he really didn't want to. I slowly peeked up, seeing that he now had a bandage on his face and his hands up in mock-surrender. "Thank you. Now then, remind me not to give you access to weapons-" "Why am I here?" I interrupted. He smirked and responded, "Why? Because, (Y/N), the Gorillaz are coming back!"

It was at this moment I began to regret my life choices.

(A/N: same.)

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