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Time passed after their trip to New York. Alfred was now very accustomed to his new life as a partially-stay-at-home-single-dad. (Y/N) had grown attached to him and hardly ever let him out of her sight, but only if Gil or one of her favorite maids were there. Alfred didn't really mind having her following him around though, she was cute and very entertaining. He could laugh for hours as she would dance around the yard or room or wherever they were. She would say the cutest or funniest things to him, which had him wrapped around her little finger so much more.

He was growing worried though... The 'panic attacks' she seemed to have were still happening and at random times. He hated to see her tiny body shaking so hard as she whimpered in pain. But whenever he mentioned bringing her to a doctor, she would be sent into an even worse attack. Gil advised him to call a doctor and set up a house call, saying it would be much easier that way. Alfred considered it, but then again didn't want to lose the child's fragile trust. So he would simply wait for her to outgrow them.


He was brought out of his thoughts as he saw her running up to him in a frilly (F/C) dress. He smiled as he held his arms out to her, but instead of her climbing up into them like she normally did, she grasped his hand in both of hers.

"What is it, princess?" He smiled as he saw her beaming at the nickname.

"Daddy, I need you! There's a ball at the castle, and I've been invited! I need to practice my dancing...!" She begged him as his eyes widened. He knew how to dance, but he's never danced... well... innocently before.

"Please, daddy, please...!"

He sighed and smiled softly down at her. How could he resist?

He lifted her up onto his feet, as he had seen people do with children in movies, and held both of her hands as he swayed to imaginary music. He chuckled as he heard (Y/N) start singing 'da da da da da, dum dum, da da' to herself.

Alfred found himself enjoying this more than normal dancing. Somehow, dancing with this child was so much better than dancing with an adult woman. The innocence of it was remarkable, the love in it was better than anything he could ever have hoped to imagine. (Y/N) trusted him so much to lead her around the room that she had even closed her eyes while she sang softly. This feeling was like nothing he has ever felt before.

He was eternally grateful to whatever higher power there was that changed his mind that day, that made him want to save this little girl from her horrible life, that made him realize how much he enjoyed being a dad. He enjoyed it as much as he did killing people, maybe even more so!

He smiled as he danced the day away with her, relishing in the time they spent together. Maids passed by now and then, chuckling at the sight of father-daughter bonding. 

When it was time for bed, for once (Y/N) didn't fight him and climbed in willingly.

Alfred brought the covers up and placed his hand on her head, ruffling her hair softly. "Night, kiddo."

"Nighty night, daddy..." She smiled a bit as his eyes closed and let sleep overcome her.

Alfred watched her for a little longer before turning out her lamp and going to his own bed. Who knew dancing with a child was so tiring?

He laid in bed for a while, thinking about all that was happening in his life now. Thankfully the mob he worked for hadn't complained about the child. If they did, he would kill them all and become a gun for hire. He wouldn't kill Gil though, he knew Gil would never side with the boss over him. Gil hated the mob really, he only joined to help get money to take care of Ludwig. Now that Ludwig was a teenager and not needing his care taking so much now, Gil simply did it because it's all he knew. He's claimed on multiple instances that he would hurt or kill anyone that tried to bring Ludwig into this life though. Now that Alfred had (Y/N), he could see why. Alfred grew up in the mob. He was trained to kill for as long as he could remember. He was beaten when he was distracted by other kids playing outside... He never wanted his sweet (Y/N) to go through any of that.

There was a creaking in the hall as Alfred instantly sat up and reached for his gun under the pillow, looking to the door. The maids were all in bed already... This had to be an intruder.

He watched as the shadow moved under his door, seeming to be hesitant. The door finally creaked open as he cocked his gun. Though his eyes widened as he quickly put it away when he saw the figure standing there.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing up? I thought you were asleep."

The small child shuffled on her feet as she held her stuffed animal close to her chest. "Can I sleep with you...? Just for tonight... Please...?"

Alfred stared at her silhouette for a few seconds before sighing and moving over in the bed. "Come on in."

She smiled as she ran to get in with him. He felt a jolt go through his body as she snuggled up into his side, not something he was used to. She was out like a light in no time and he watched her peaceful face again. She must have had another attack... She always got more clingy after an attack, as if she needed to touch him to make sure he was there. 

Though... Alfred didn't really mind.

He smiled as he laid down and wrapped his strong arms around her frail body and held her close in his protective embrace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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