Chapter Eight - The box?

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"Nathalia!" The wolf immediately knew who was shouting her name, the booming voice echoing throughout the trees, causing several leaves to swiftly descend despite the fact that its summer and nowhere near Autumn. Putting up her guard, ready to attack if necessary, the wolf growls lowly at the intruder, even if it does happen to be a certain hybrid who would be stupid to attack. As she expected, the voice came from Niklaus who just now came into her line of vision.

The hybrid was angry. Furious even. As soon as he saw the wolf who has been causing so much trouble for him, he attacked. Lunging for her, Nikaus planned on killing her. No more trying to learn about her, no more trying to decide whether she's an ally or a threat. He wanted her dead, and he wanted her dead now. Talia easily dodged him, before leaping onto him and biting at his neck, only for him to hiss in pain and throw her off of him. Niklaus glared at the wolf, wanting to relish in her blood; wishing that her head was on a spike. Again and again, he charged at Nathalia but each time she easily moved out of the way, infuriating the ill-tempered hybrid even more so. They were both now stood apart from each other, about half a metre between them, both silently daring the other one to make the next move. Talia swore that she could see ferocious flames dancing in his eyes. Baring her teeth at him, she stays standing, one of her back legs further behind than the rest, ready to push off if she needs to pounce. Losing patience, Niklaus darted forward, a millisecond away from attacking before being suddenly interrupted, "Enough!"

The now heavily breathing hybrid looked up to find his brother stood in-between him and the wolf. Klaus could not help but feel anger towards Elijah for stopping him, she sent that box to them, he knows she did. Looking past a pissed off Elijah, he sees the wolf now in a sitting position, he could tell she was mentally smirking, daring him with her eyes to go against Elijah's request. He glared at her, wanting her nothing more than dead. Preferably a gruesome death, his lips twitched upwards at the thought of her slowly dying in front of him, begging for mercy like the pathetic dog she is. However, before being able to mentally kill her in all the painful torturous ways, Elijah ripped him from his menacing thoughts, much to Klaus' disappointment.

"Niklaus, stop," He said it firmly but even a deaf person could hear the warning behind it. "We don't know that it was...Talia isn't it?" She nods at Elijah, allowing him to continue, "that sent the box this morning" At the mention of a box, The young wolf's ears perk up and her head till it's ever so slightly to the left, in confusion. Klaus noticed this and scoffed.

"You really expect me to believe that, brother? Who el-" After this Talia zones out, ignoring the brother's petty fight and becomes lost in her own thoughts.

A box. Really? They're having a tantrum over a box. Talia can't help but think that they're being pathetic. Who the hell pissed in their cornflakes this morning? Whoever it was, Talia found herself wanting to high five, well, high....paw. With a roll of her eyes, she swiftly walks away from the brothers now heated argument, wanting to not get involved in this pettiness. Their voices fade more into the trees, the further that Talia walks away. She can't help but think that it is way too early in the morning to be dealing with those toddlers. Though now that she thinks about it, she has no way of knowing what the time is, but never the less, she knows that no matter the time, it's always too early to be dealing with the over dramatic vampires.

However, when Elijah mentioned the box, It peaked Nathalia's curiosity. She can't help but wonder what could be so important about a box that it managed to extremely piss off a certain hybrid. Upon, coming across a smallish lake, that's more just like a big pond, she lays down, with her snout on the ground. She'd forgotten how peaceful and beautiful this place was, her right ear twitches at the sound of a woodpecker in the distance and she deeply inhales the surrounding foresty scents. Trying to not focus on her own thoughts too much she gently watches the butterfly that's just a mere metre or so away with its black wings that have an antique red pattern on them. Her eyes then drifted to the ripples in the shimmering glass like water caused by her deep breathes. Yet no matter how much the young wolf tries to not focus on her thoughts, yet her mind can't seem to stop itself from drifting to a certain hot-headed hybrid and his well being...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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