its a broken home that we live in

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Hug grandma tell her she's sweet
Help grampa cary the meat
Tell mom that you really care
Force dad to stay there

But grandmas dead
Grampa killed her
Mom runs away
And dad cant stay

Its a broken home that We live in

Make a cake with sister
Chop wood for brother
Play games with cousin
Make dolls for THEM

But sister is crying
Brother is dieing
Cousin is scared
And they don't play fair

By whom well you must go back
Its engraved in black

Its a broken home that we live in

And now for you
Your still a kid
You cant tell the difference
Every thing went down hill from the start
You thought you were helping
But you still a threat
The rope was tide around your neck
You fall asleep
You cant see
An angel comes down from above and tells you that what you did was not right
And now you must fight

It's a broken home that we live in

            By happy823 (me)

(yo so this is my pome that i made it took me I'd say 20 minutes so if you see it any were else without my name on it tell me k k thanks BYES!✌😋

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