I'm considering

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So, you've all been very amazing and nice to me comment wise, I even got some followers in the time from when I quit to now. Alright, to get to the point, in considering coming back here and writing. Of course not right now, but if I get 8 (my favourite number) comments on this, that are nice and will convince me to come back, I will. In case I do come back, I just want to make somethings clear, updates will be slower, maybe once a week. As well as I will start a new story (So no new readers have to read of all the shit I have on this one) and fortunately for everyone here reading this, Andrew is happy to take part in writing on my next story. Our writing styles are a little different and you'll probably be able to tell the difference between us. That being said though, updates will still be slow, we both have jobs, I have school, we want time to ourselves and honestly there's a lot to do around my life right now since Andrew and I are considering getting a house together in a year or so and really need to save up, which means I have to work harder and so does he. That's all for now. Honestly, it's up to you guys to decide if I write here again or not.

If not, well farewell, this should be my last update but I'll probably still respond to comments.

If I do end up writing again, I love you guys in a slightly less than platonic way (since I know none of you personally), and I'll see you over on my next story. (Andrew too)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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