Chapter 1

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It was the week of my birthday and I was finally turning 16 , wow my sweet 16 already... it's crazy how fast time goes by , right before your eyes...

"It's July 27th !!!! , my birthday is tomorrow!" I say in a cheery voice "Yes hunny I know , what do you want to do for your birthday?" " trampoline park? , the zoo , the swimming po-" "SWIMMING POOOOOOOLLLL!" I yell interrupting my mom causing her to laugh while drinking her cup of coffee spitting it everywhere

I could never belive how lucky I got with my life , an amazing house , amazing parents , and amazing friends... until last year , it all started going downhill, and quickly , my parents started fighting more and more over something they say they can never tell me , my friends got in a fight accusing each other of things no one did.. meanwhile pushing me out of the friendship , and for our house well we moved and we now live NJ because of bullying and... divorce.
It hasn't been a great year and it hasn't been the easiest starting over and finding new friends but hopefully with this new school and new home I'll find some friends.

Authors note:
HEY GUYS :)) I'm sorry I didn't finish the other story , but I was to lazy to 😂 but I'm really liking the turnout of this so far and I have some pretty cool ideas ;) also I'm sorry it's s short

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