Running Away -=- 5

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I was walking, me and Stanley just got raped and Stan raped me, I had scar marks Stanley still had a boner Stan had a seductive glare in his eyes looking at me like he wanted to continue that's how I knew anyway he grabbed my shirt pulling his shorts down and shoving his length back up me thrusting hard and fast the he made me suck him off, he started to piss in my mouth which I found gross and tried to pull away but it didn't work I had been drenched in piss he finally came in my mouth and I ran home crying I hated myself I felt dirty and disgusting I didn't know what was going on until I passed out. I woke up at around 9 I showered and I could hardly walk because of being fucked I still felt dirty I was being haunted by a demon and I bet this thanks world

70 Reads. Wow thank you so much for voting! Please comment if I should continue this I have no idea if I should thanks guys!

-Writer Cam

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