Chapter One

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~Your POV~
I were just leaving the theatre after seeing the brand new 'IT' movie with my friends. I loved it. I laughed, I almost cried when poor Georgie was killed at the end, I even got a little bit scared. There was one character that really stood out to me though. The character Eddie or Jack Grazer in real life. He was just so into his acting and you did think he was pretty cute. I wish I could meet him in real life, but I know that, that will never happen. He's famous for crying out loud. Only in my dreams would I ever meet him. 'Omg I sound like a fan girl' I mutter to myself as I was walking out of the theatre with my friends.
"What was that?" My best guy friend Ian asked me. Yes my best guy friend, he's not my best friend because I got my main ho remember. Don't all girls?
"Oh it's nothing just talking to myself haha"
We were pretty bored and it was dark out so we didn't want to just wait outside until our ride was there so we walked over to the Target next to the movie theatre.
~Time skip to Target~
I was walking around Target looking for my friends. They for some reason didn't tell me they were going to a different part of the store when I was looking at the console games.
"Guys!?" I yelled trying to get there attention.
When I was walking around I started to hear a group of people laughing in another isle 'is that them?' I muttered to myself. I look down the isle and see a group of guys standing there. They all kind of look familiar. 'Omg those are the boys from 'IT'' I say to myself. A little too loud because they heard me. Well actually only one person did, Jack Grazer.

~Jacks POV~
I was at Target with the boys when I heard something. I looked up and saw a girl standing at the end of the isle. I saw a girl. She just stood there, kind of in awe. I quietly walked over without the boys noticing.
"Hi" I quietly said to her

~Your POV~
I heard when I looked over I saw the one and only Jack Grazer.
"Oh. Uh h-hi"
"So uh what's up"
"I'm looking for my friends. They kind of just left me and I don't know where they went."
"Oh so it was you who was yelling through out the store." He chuckled at the end. 'Omg he has a cute laugh' I think to myself.
"I'm Jack by the way" he says to me while holding out his hand for me to shake it.
"I kno- I mean well, I, like I, I'm (Y/N), you are Jack Grazer."
"So you've heard about me haha"
"Uh, yeah. I actually just saw the new it movie with my so called friends. You were really good in it."
He chuckled "Thanks, say I know this is kind of like forward. But could I have your number?"
I stared at him in shock, I then snapped back to reality before I could creep him out.
"Oh uh yeah definitely" I say way too excited. I hand him my phone and he gives me his phone to put my number in. I put my name as (Y/N)🤗💕. When I have his phone back to him he looked at the way I wrote my name and he blushed a little.
"I-I'll call you" he stuttered
"Hey that's Billy's thing" I chuckled
"I got to go now" I tell Jack
"I hope I'll get to see you around"
"Yep call me"
And just then something happened that I never thought would happen Jack Grazer kissed my cheek.

~Jacks POV~
I kissed her cheek. Fuck. Why did I do that. Sure she's pretty and kind, but I just meat her. AH WHY. STUPID STUPID STUPID JACK.

Hey guys it's me. The author do I made this because my friend was taking too long to update even though it's not her fault I'm just impatient and also I find there is not enough of these x readers so yeah. I really just made this for myself so I don't care if you don't like it. That's all.
Bye ~

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