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Victor " I'm bored "

Chara " let's kill then "

Victor "no "

Chara " fine then I'll kill you " =)

Victor " I like to see you try "

Chara * throws knife at alphy's head *

Victor * runs in front if knife * * gets stabbed * *999999999999999999999 damage *

Alphys " V-v-victor n-n-no h-h-help "

Everyone else runs in * sees victor *

Toriel "no my child "

Papyrus " human no "

Sans " want to have a bad time chara "

Undyen " let's show justice "

Victor *sings *

Chara " like singing going to help you "

Victor * transforms into Undyen Undying except no pony tail just short red hair * *sings *

Victor * raise hand in air * * hundreds of magic spears appeared * " I will strike you down "

Chara " This will be fun " =)

Victor *snaps fingers * * spears launch at chara *

Chara * doges * " weak "

Victor *smirks * * thousands of spears appeared *  " DIE "

Chara " how "

Victor * snaps fingers spears launches *

Chara " NOOOO " * red soul appears breaks into tiny pieces *

Victor " I won this fight "

Everyone * looks wide eyed *

Victor *walks away *

Everyone "leave ask or dares bye "

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