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All my problems started when I moved to North Carolina. Every, single, one. Besides the fact that I disliked the way I looked. 

I stated my 8th grade year at a shit public school in Harrnett County. I lived in a gated community with shit kids. Everyone thinks that the gated community stigma means perfect families and perfect kids, bullshit. 

I try my best to not remember the terrible school I was sent to. I do remember when we took a tour during the summer. At the end of the tour of the school that looked similar to a prison we were sitting in the office and my mom was filling out paperwork. I looked at her and said 

"Mom, PLEASE don't send us here" She just looked at me with true sorrow in her eyes and she apologized to us because she couldn't afford to send us somewhere good. She was sorry, I knew she was. 

I kept my head down. The bus ride was living  hell. There was this one asshat kid named Matthew who'd always pick on my brother and he bugged the shit out of me but he was considered popular and thus, he was untouchable. I still stood up to him plenty of times but he was always an ass. 

I got some boots from one of my moms friends from California. They were cute so I wore them to school. Bad move. In gym a bunch of kids circled around me and obviously began relentlessly bullying me. I walked straight up to the girl who started it, looked her in the face, told her she wasn't worth my time, then proceeded to knock her ass out cold. 

Didn't matter that her friends left me alone after that or that she came and apologized to me. The words they said still stuck to me. I never wore the boots again. 

Public school was too easy for me. I'd fall asleep taking tests, wake up 5 minutes before the end time, finish the test and still get a better grade than 80% of the kids there. I was literally surrounded but complete and total idiots. I had 3 smart friends: Camron, Mackenzie and Diamond. We did pretty much everything together. Camron less than the three girls. We started a Youtube channel that died in an epic ball of flames over the summer. 

That summer I spent most of my time by myself honestly. No friends who lived close by, no desire to do anything, no real freedom yet. But I wasn't really bad off yet. 

That shit started in Highschool. 

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