[13] Mission

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Gualin's POV-

"Gualin can you go wake up Arem please?," Minhyun Hyung asked after waking me up, "I have to go down stairs and make breakfast."

"Mhm~," I hummed with a stretch.

"Thank you," Minhyun chuckled and headed off to the kitchen.

I sat up in bed and stared at the calender that serves no purpose in my room.  It's already been a week since we dragged Areum into this life. . .  I pulled off my bed covers and headed down the hall to Areum's bedroom. 

For the past five days after the incident with Mark Lee, us and Areum have been distant, but she doesn't ignore us and we definitely don't ignore her either.  It's a very. . .monotoned relationship I guess. . .  We've tried to get her know her a bit better, but she's always cautious in answering and her reponses are quite short. . .unless Areum's answering 'How's dance practice?'. . . That's when her 3 hour rant begins. . .

Knocking on her door three times, I listened for a sign signaling that she was alive.  "Areum, I'm coming in," I stated as I opened the door slowly in case she was changing and just didn't hear the knocking.  I am a gentleman okay?

When the door was open all the way, I scanned the room and found that Areum was, once again, sleeping on the balacony.  Sighing, I went over to her sleeping figure and shook it gently.  She let out a tired groan, inching herself away from me. 

"It's time to wake up," I chuckled, amused.

"But isn't it Sunday?," she questioned with no intention of sitting up.

"It is?"

"I don't know.  Why do you think I asked you?," sarcasm evident in her voice.

One factor that didn't change from Areum's relationship from us: Her sarcasm.  It's still there, and I believe that it will forever be staying with her!

I got up and checked the calender that Areum had hanging above her desk.  Unlike the one in my room, it was written one and covered with test dates, practice dates, and days she's 'free from hell (school).  I glanced over the calender quickly, and it WAS Sunday.

"It is Sunday. . .," I trailed off as I walked back to Areum.

The girl huffed, "Don't you have a calender in your room or something?"

I rolled my eyes, "Either way, Minhyun wanted me to wake you up."

"No formalities?"

"Don't tell him."

"No promises," and with that two word threat, she got up.

Aish this girl. . . I let a deep breath, "Just get ready."

"Yeah, yeah. . .," Areum muttered, praticially throwing me out of her room so that she can wash up.

- - -

"Morning, Lin-ah," Jisung greeted me as I traveled down the stairs, jumping from the last the three steps.

"Morning, Hyung," I replied back, "Areum's getting ready."

He nodded in response, and took a bite of the pancakes Minhyun made.

I slid into the seat next to him, and the Minhyun placed a plate of food in front of me, myself thanking him, "So. . .why are we waking up so early on a Sunday?," I asked.

"I thought we told you yesterday," Jisung stated, "We're taking Areum shopping for clothes.  We still haven't done that yet, and Jihoon, Woojin and Sungwoon don't really appreciate the fact that she has to borrow from them.  Daehwi doesn't mind as much."

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