[14] Shopping

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Areum's POV-

"This place is huge!," I whined gazing up at the only 7 story mall in Seoul (A/N: idk if there is one like this in Seoul).

"We didn't specify which mall we'd be going to, Areum-ah," Jihoon grinned.

"Wipe the smug look off of your face Park Jihoon," I glared.

"Hmm. . . Nah!," Jihoon chuckled, "And it's 'oppa' to you."

"I've said this many times already: In your dreams."

And with that!. . . I walked into the mall, leaving the boys behind.

"Hey Areum! Wait up!," I heard Daehwi shout and several pounding footsteps sounded, getting closer and closer with each step.

I let out an amused sigh and shook my head at the boys who were catching up with me. This. . .will be interesting. . .

- - -

We entered into the huge ass mall, and I let out a breath of wonder and awe. . ., "Who the hell would want to spend their entire day here?. . ." I saw Jihoon out of the corner of my eye clutch his chest where his heart is and fake choke in pain. I chuckled, "I'm just kidding. Everyone has their own hobbies," I sent him a small grin.

"Thanks. . .," Jihoon smiled slightly, "Anyways. . . What do you want to shop for first?"

"Umm. . .let's get the formal wear shopping done and over with," I told them, and they agreed with my plan.

"Sounds good," Jisung,"Let's go?"

Myself, Gualin, Jihoon, Seongwoo and Daehwi followed the leader into one of the shops that held more formal attire, and when we got inside. . .I knew. . .I was going to be tired AF after this single store. . .

There were dressed freaking everywhere, and I don't even know how many I- scratch that- THE BOYS are going to get me!!!

"This is. . . a lot. . .," I managed to utter and Gualin chuckled.

"I'm sure you can handle it, Areum-ah," he patted my head- I'm sorry if I'm really short!. . .- and walked off to find clothes for me.

Seeing the guys wonder into the store looking for a dress, skirt, or nice blouse, I decided to take a gander at the clothing here myself. "I guess I should look around. . .," I sighed, trudging over to a rack of black dresses.

". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .This is so frustrating. . .," I seethed after only scanning through two racks of clothes.

"Just leave it to us!," Daehwi chirped, as he stepped in front of me.

I glanced over to Jisung, "Should I be worried?"

". . . Slightly. . .but I wouldn't worry too much. Just wait in the changing area, and we'll bring the clothes to you!," Jisung grinned, lightly pushing me in the direction of the changing area.

"That sounds assuring. . .," I grumbled, but nonetheless, I followed his instructions with a heavy heart.

I don't like the idea of them picking out DRESSES AND SKIRTS for me. . . Actually, I don't like the idea of them picking my clothes AT ALL!!! I mentally screamed as I sat down in one of the few chairs next to the women's changing area. I whipped out my phone and decided to text Minso and Natty. We decided to make a group chat with the 3 of us at lunch on Friday. What did you expect me to eat with the two Parks, Donghyun, and Justin now?. . . Psh! Pu-lease! As if!

Anyways, I texted the two of them and the responded quite quickly:


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