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Jades P.O.V

I have to go to school today, and I really don't want too, but if I want to graduate I can't drop out.

I have no friends, I had a fight with Alex and I'm left alone with Harry. He's actually not as bad as I thought, he's actually been helping. Are first doctor check up is today after school, and I'm excited. I could use some good news.

"Hey ready to go babe"? Harry asked breaking my thoughts.

"Haven't I told you not to call me that"?

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. He was already checking me out.

"Here". He threw me my bag, I smiled and put it on.

"So Erm...I'm kind of nervous about that check up, what if he/she is um..Messed up"? Harry said nervously.

"Messed up or not we should still love he/she".

"Yea yea right ". He muttered as we got Into the car.

"I'm always right".

At school!

I left Harry and walked to my locker, he joined me and put his things in his locker. I opened my locker and slinky green goo was everywhere.

"What the hell"! I raged with anger, some people laughed when it wasn't funny at all. "What happened"? Harry asked leaning over and looking in, he chuckled and I shot him a glare. I stuck my hand in the icky goo and put it on his face.

"Ewww! What the hell is that"? He said in disgust, I think I got it in his mouth.

I sighed and closed my locker up, the bitch or asshole who did that is gonna get it. Why are people being mean to me? What have I done?

I walked into my first class and Alex, Kendall and Kylie were in there.

Kendall is my best friend, how could she do this to me? Is Perrie ignoring me too?

Kendall's P.O.V

Jade looks so sad sitting there doing here work, I wanted to walk over there and hug her. But I couldn't for two reasons, one because were in the middle of class and two is because I would be hated from our friends. She really shouldn't have lied to Niall like that, he thought it was his. He was heartbroken to find out it was Harry's. He still loves her though, and I can see he still loves her. I don't get why they don't get back together, I can see they miss each other. And if doesn't look like Harry gives a shit about her.

Harry's P.O.V

I walked through the hall and I received daggers from some of my other students, and god it was annoying. I don't even understand why people hate me, because I got a girl pregnant. It's not the first time, like Jesus Christ leave me the fuck alone.

I walked into my class and there was some of my friends, well thy used to be my friends.

Demi, Ariana, Aria, Perrie, Zayn, Louis and Liam. I sat in between Louis and Liam, I could see sorrow in Liam's eyes but Louis was ignoring me. I glanced up at him, and his eyes were on the teacher. He hates me this much? I've never gotten into a fight with Lou, were always best friends. What the hell?

Niall walked into the class and sat in front of Louis, he sent me daggers too. I didn't steal his fucking girlfriend, he broke up with her didn't he? Cause he basically blaming me and Jade, he's acting like he's a viaticum when he's the one who left her on the street alone. Like what the hell? Even I wouldn't do that.

"Mr. Styles please pay attention ". The teacher got my attention.

"Yea sorry". I sighed and faced foreword, I but I couldn't stop thinking.

Sixteen and pregnantOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant