from the very beginning

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i walk along the little beach, following the stream to where it turns a corner. and i turn the corner and see the water flowing unexpectedly into a deep, sea green pool. i stare at that pool. it feels like one of natures memories.

henry slowly slipped off the steps, taking big steps through the muddy puddles. heavy rain paddled roughly on the roofs, quickly flooding down the sides. henry stomped through the grass, slowly reaching the woods. the rain was silenced inside the woods, letting him pull his hood down. he picked up a stick bigger then his body, whacking anything in his way. his feet jumped and slid, while he followed the sound of the rivers voice. he stopped at the edge of a mound, peering over mud sinking down, some getting in the pool of rocks at the edge. henry sat down on the edge, quickly sliding down the mud. his rain suit now a dark brown. he cried in pain, frustrated by his clothes under soaked, being hugged to his body. he slowly got up, rubbing his back, making a sizzling noise. he got over it quickly, and started to slide through the deep mud, next to the river.
henry looked around, noticing how the trees made him invisible and safe. he kept looking left and right, hoping for something to appear. he listened to the quiet storm, that was being over-powered by the rivers stream. the boy found a dry spot of rocks under an old tree, and plotted down on a rock in the center. he shook off some mud, feeling exactly as a wet dog in november. he sat there long, freezing and slightly blinded. he listened to crunched noises, an animal, or from the river. he coughed, sniffling loudly after. he played with the big stick, looking at the river. he looked long, seeing a small figure. his vision was slightly blurry, from small rain drops sliding off his forehead.
a girl yelled.
henry squinted, watching a small girl slide down the mound across from him, then jumping in the water, running quickly, but falling after reaching the other side. she climbed up to henry.
"who are you?"
she asked confidently.
"i'm the best explorer in the world."
henry stated.
"no, i am."
she said, still confident.
"no, a girl can't be an explorer."
"oh well, i'll just change that then!"
she slowly crawled up the rocks, sitting next to him.
"why are you here?"
"i wanted to know who was talking. but it's just the river."
henry said, looking at her.
"it can't talk. it's not a person!"
"i know."
henry mumbled, in reply.
they sat together, not speaking any more then a short sentence every few minutes. the girl sat straight, both her and his leg touching together, warming each other barely. she was dressed in casual, almost pajamas as clothes. her body was soaked, with mud covering till her knees. she was tall, and seemed like a high schooler.
henry looked at her, long, and asked:
"why are you here? what's your name?"
"i'm here because it's like my home."
she said, smiling widely.
"my name is victoria, what's yours?"
"i'm henry."
"hi henry."
victoria said with a lowered voice, wrapping her long arm around him.
"you should go back home."
"how come? i want to stay here with you."
"your mom wants you back, she's worrying badly."
"no she isn't!"
henry said, scrunching his eyebrows.
"shes scared, henry."
victoria stood up, staring to carefully walk away.
"wait, i want to know you more!"
henry stood up, watching her go across the river and mound, running through the sinking grass past. he breathed heavily, upset that he couldn't stay with her. he slowly crawled down the rocks, dragging his feet through the mud, tracing his steps from the very beginning, hearing sirens as he got closer.

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