Chapter 1

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Is today the day? Oh no, great. It's time for dance practice. Nobody likes to go to them anymore because the guys always make fun of us except one, Josh. Oh I forgot to introduce my self, Hi I am Nicole, and right now it's dance practice day. The only reason why I like going to them is because I have a huge crush on Josh. Of course it's fun to fantasize about because I absolutely, 100% sure that I will never have a chance with him. Why?? Because every girl that lays eyes on him has a crush. on him. I mean, where I am, it's hard to find guys that are nice and cute. At school all the nice guys pretend I don't exist and all the cute guys are absolute jerks. And that's why everyone likes Josh, he's nice, funny, super cute, and the best part of all, the directors think we look cute together so I get to dance every single dance next to him. See fun to fantasize about, but totally never going to happen. Oh did I also mention Josh is a year older then me, another con. I am about to walk into dance practice, and there he is.... just sitting there. You have no idea how hard it is not to go up to him right now and me like LOVE ME JOSH LOVE ME, but if I do that... ha my ass wouldn't never see the light of day I would have to go to a insane Isylm or whatever they call it now. Oh Josh, why do you have to be so perfect for me and me not perfect for you?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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