Chapter 6. - Love From The Sidelines

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Care too little, you'll lose them.
Care too much, you'll get hurt.


THE FIVE OF US were currently in Remedial Goodness 101 class and all I wanted to do was bang my head on the table. Fairy Godmother was asking us some questions about a baby, or something. I didn't know, I was staring out the window.

This morning had been okay. The food here was way better, I had to give Auradon that one. Evie had reminded me that my first period was a free one. That left me to entertain myself, which meant terrorizing the Auradon kids on my own, which had been fun. But, unfortunately, I had to go to class soon after that and I was sure that if it hadn't been for Evie, I wouldn't have shown up at all. The two of us had strutted through the halls and people made way for us, which I didn't mind. Evie had also complimented me on my outfit, which was a pair of black boots with a little blue detail, black ripped jeans, a dark blue top with a sleeveless leather jacket and a blue beanie that I had stolen from Jay. He preferred the red ones, so he didn't care.

I looked away from the window and looked at Mal and Evie, who sat in front of me. The boys sat on their left. I sat alone, which I didn't mind since I could use the chair next to me as a footstool.  Mal was drawing the wand and Evie actually tried to answer the questions. I leaned forward and looked over Mal's shoulder, the drawing was pretty amazing. She got all the details right. I leaned back in my chair again and went back to staring out the window.

"Hadee?" Fairy Godmother asked. I turned to look at her.

"Yeah?" I asked cluelessly. Jay and Carlos snickered and I shot them a glare, shutting them up immediately.

"The answer?" Fairy Godmother asked. I looked at the board, it had two questions written on it.

"To the first or the second question?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. Her smile faltered a little.

"Okay then." She said. Evie had her hand up and Fairy Godmother pointed her stick at Evie.

"What was the second one?" She asked. That made me smile. Fairy Godmother's smile, on the other hand, dropped, again.

"Oh, okay." She repeated. "Anyone else?" She looked at us and her eyes landed on Mal. "Mal?" Mal looked up a little.

"C, give it a bottle," Mal answered. This made Fairy Godmother smile.

"Correct. Again." She said with a smile.

"You are on fire, girl," Carlos said. I smirked.

"No, I'm the one on fire," I said, making my hair flame behind Fairy Godmother's back. He smiled at me and Mal ignored me.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun," Mal said as if it was obvious, which, I guess, it kind of was.

"That makes so much sense," Evie whispered. I was about to zone out again when some girl in a light blue dress walked by. She yelped when she passed us, which made me smirk. She talked a little with Fairy Godmother and Fairy Godmother spoke to us.

"Everyone here, remember my daughter Jane." Jane objected to her mother, but she dismissed it. "It's okay. Jane this is everyone." Jane walked back down the aisle.

"Hey, don't mind me. As you were." She said and then yelped again. I looked at Mal and could see a plan form in her head. And it involved Jane.

"Let's continue." Fairy Godmother said and then started asking the next question overexcited. Evie, Jay and Carlos all put their hands up to answer. Why they would want to answer, I didn't know, but they did. Jay pushed Carlos hand out and Fairy Godmother pointed at Jay. He answered correctly.

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